Chapter 18: Could That Have Gone Better? Probably.

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Izuku POV:

After Leo apologized to Olivia for calling her a hot babe, they started to engage in friendly banter. I simply scowled at the scene. Leo seemed to have no problem believing her story, but I was the complete opposite. I didn't trust her as far as I could throw her. Her story barely made any sense. Sure she could have come with us because it required less work, but if she was smart she would have let the cops catch us. With them distracted she could steal the boat and have all the supplies for her. Then my mind reached the thought that she could have been a minion for All for One. He could have found me and sent her to finish the job. While I knew it was unlikely, mostly because he would have killed me already if he wanted me dead, the small chance that it could be truly made my paranoia skyrocket. I started to make a decent size water spear and slowly froze it. If she attacked I needed to be ready. I wasn't great with my knife and she would overpower me with her dagger and she could manipulate my staff with her plant powers. Water was my safest and best bet.

After I finished freezing it and provided it with a continuous stream of cold I went to see what supplies we had. I first went to the console area and found an emergency flare with 3 shots, 5 life vests, and a first aid kit. I was satisfied with that, and brought it with me, just in case Olivia tried anything. Then I went below deck and was met with a lemony fresh scent and beautiful mahogany floors. I looked around and saw a single bed, a sink, an emergency sail, and cabinets. The first thing I did was flip the bed, it would be the best place to hide something. There were only canned goods, vodka, cigarettes, and a classic black lighter. Then I went to the cabinets and saw a horde of canned food. "Jackpot," I muttered. I grabbed all the cans and hid them under the bed, along with everything from the console area. Then I noticed a few potted plants in there and threw them into the ocean. I wasn't going to give her ammunition in a fight.

I set everything back to how it was originally and went back above the deck.

Olivia and Leo were still having a conversation, and I just went to the railing and looked out to the horizon. It brought me a sense of peace, that I never had before, but I still kept an ear out for anything suspicious that Olivia said. It was nothing out of the ordinary, until Leo asked, "Where are you from?" She responded, "Maine." They continued talking, but I asked myself how she came here from Maine. I confronted her about it. "How did you get to Texas from Maine," I said as I glared at her. She met my eyes with her squinting ones and said, "I've been a runaway for a long time." I glared at her even harder and said, "That doesn't answer my question, but better yet, answer me this. It would have been better for you to let the police catch us." She started to glare at me and said, "I told you, it was less work." I countered with, "We both know it would have been better for you to let us get caught and take the boat for yourself. Why exactly are you here?" She started to bring out her dagger, asking, "Are you trying to say something?" I started to slowly bring up my ice spear and Amaterasu went next to me, breathing out smoke. I said, "What if I am?" "Then you need to be taught a lesson," she replied with her dagger fully out.

Leo then intervened before things could escalate. "Come on guys, no need to fight. If you did the boat could break and we could get stranded." We slowly put our weapons away and Amaterasu stopped breathing out smoke. Olivia and I scowled at each other and looked away. "Fine, but when we reach the shore we go our separate ways." I walked away to the console area and tried to start the boat, but the engine only sputtered. "LEO SOMETHING IS WRONG," I screamed out. He rushed over and asked, "WHAT'S WRONG?" "The boat won't start," I replied.

He looked over everything and said, "It's nothing, we just ran out of gas. Wait... WE RAN OUT OF GAS! WE ARE STRANDED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN!" I sighed and said, "No need to panic there is a sail below deck. Get Amaterasu and the new girl to help us." Leo did as told and rushed off as I went below deck.

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