O73. bio ideas

116 3 1

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O1. loudest silence

O2. you loss , not mine

O3. you can't download lovethe skies are

O4. crying and so am i

O5. u can , end of the story

O6. cry me a river and drown urself in it

O7. lost in my own thoughts

O8. throwing shade won't help you shine

O9. but the sky was never quite the shade of blue

1O. i want to delete my feelings for you, but the file is too big

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sc : google , my brain

please respect the results of my thoughts by asking for permission and don't repost the names that I have written with frills that are the results of your thoughts.

indo sub : tolong hargai hasil pemikiran saya dengan meminta izin dan jangan repost nama-nama yang sudah saya tulis dengan embel-embel yang merupakan hasil pemikiran anda.

nickname ideasTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang