172. bio ideas

61 5 1

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O1. your silence is my favorite song

O2. me and them girls, we ain't the same boo

O3. shit, i think i have feelings

O4. 1980 vibes

O5. radical

O6. driving into the sun w/you

O7. loving in the sidelines

O8. baby angels

O9. can't isn't a word

1O. you can do epic shit with basic people

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sc : my brain

please respect the results of my thoughts by asking for permission and don't repost the names that I have written with frills that are the results of your thoughts.

indo sub : tolong hargai hasil pemikiran saya dengan meminta izin dan jangan repost nama-nama yang sudah saya tulis dengan embel-embel yang merupakan hasil pemikiran anda.

nickname ideasTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang