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Valkyrie clutches a rather large box as she practically skips towards a certain Skeleton detective's house. She walks up to the door and knocks politely before walking in, not waiting for an answer. She may be in a giddy mood, but she'll be damned if she'll be waiting for Skulduggery's lazy behind to get to the door. Plus, it's only her and she's here just as much as Skulduggery is. 

"Skul...!" She calls out, dragging out his name. 

Valkyrie closes the door behind her and comes to stand in his living room when Skulduggery comes strolling down the stairs, adjusting his shirt. Valkyrie follows the movement, entranced by how elegant Skulduggery's gloved-hands move to button up his white shirt. 

It takes Valkyrie a moment to realise that Skulduggery was now standing in front of her. 


The woman in question blinks up at him before her cheeks heat up in embarrassment. How long has he been standing there?

Valkyrie shakes the embarrassment and clears her throat. "Skulduggery. Hi."

Skulduggery nods his head to her. "Hello, Valkyrie."

A long moment stretches out in silence and is only interrupted when the skeleton's smooth, velvety voice catches Valkyrie's attention.

"Not that I don't enjoy your company dear, but are you going to tell me why you're here?"

Valkyrie snaps out of her daze and realises she hasn't said anything in the last minute.

She blushes again and fumbles with the box she's still holding. "I bought you a present, my good partner in crime."

Skulduggery is silent for a moment, before tilting his head. "What's the occasion?"

"There is no occasion."

"Well presents usually indicate a celebration of some kind." Skulduggery replies, his hands clasped behind his back.

"Do I need a reason to get a present for my best friend?" 

Valkyrie huffs after Skulduggery doesn't answer. "Fine... let's celebrate our great friendship then."

"Alright." Skulduggery says. "Is this going to be a yearly thing? Do I need to get you someth-"

"Are you going to let me give you your present or not?" Valkyrie interrupts.

"Fine, yes, sorry, go ahead." He answers, gesturing for her to go on.

Valkyrie smiles brightly before moving the present out from behind her back, giving it to the expectant detective. 

Skulduggery takes the box from her before peering at the box closely.

"Just open it, Skul." Valkyrie says, exasperated.

Skulduggery looks at her before looking back at the box. "Why is it making noises? Is it a bomb?"

Valkyrie shakes her head quickly, her grin spreading. "Even better."

Skulduggery doesn't move.

Valkyrie sighs and holds out her hands. "Fine, if you don't want it I'll just take it back."

Skulduggery snaps his head to her and immediately holds the box away from her awaiting hands. "No, No. I'm opening it."

Valkyrie huffs and returns her hands to her sides, looking at Skulduggery as he sets the box on the ground and opens the lid to reveal the present inside. 

He peers down to look inside it only to immediately recoil back. 

Valkyrie laughs as the 'present' jumps up, putting its two front paws on the edge of the box and stares at Skulduggery.

Skulduggery just stares back at it from the ground before hesitantly reaching into the box and pulling it out. "It's a cat." He says, looking up at Valkyrie.

"Isn't she adorable?" Valkyrie almost squeals in delight as she looks at the ginger kitten in Skulduggery's outstretched arms. Valkyrie's face falls into a black stare. "Skulduggery, she isn't poisonous."

"Are you sure?" He replies, arms slightly shaking as he brings the cat to his face to study her more closely. 

Valkyrie's eyes widen in surprise as Skulduggery yelps and drops the cat after she unexpectedly licks his face. Valkyrie stares at her partner's frozen body before bursting out into laughter.

She drops to the floor next to him and picks up the cat. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry for Skulduggery's carelessness. Are you alright, little kitten?" Valkyrie asks, holding the cat to her chest, patting it affectionately.

"The monster is fine, Valkyrie, thank you for being concerned about my wellbeing." Skulduggery says, sitting up straight before adjusting his tie.

Valkyrie just rolls her eyes at his overreacting and holds the kitten in front of him. "Just look at how cute she is. She's completely harmless!"


"Oh, Skulduggery!" Valkyrie calls out, walking into Skulduggery's house. "How's my favourite Skeleton detective doing?"

"He's doing just fine, thank you." She hears a grumble coming from the couch. 

She looks to the voice and is met with the site of Skulduggery lying on the couch, long legs hanging from the arm-rest while a heap of ginger fur was resting on his chest. Valkyrie breaks out into a grin, walking over to the pair. 

"Evil monster, huh?" Valkyrie teases, lifting a knowing brow.

He points a finger to her, staring at the ceiling.

"Not. A. Word."

A/N: Hey guys, I'm so sorry for not updating on this story for so long. Originally I was going to make this an angsty one but I just thought this idea was so cute. But I have a couple ideas for the future chapters so look out for that. 

And thank you to everyone voting and commenting, or just reading this fic at all. It means so much to me!! Please let me know if you enjoyed this, and let me know if you have any requests for me to write because I'd be more than happy to!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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