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"Skulllll." Valkyrie moaned.

"Yes, Valkyrie?" Skulduggery replied.

"I'm sick."

"You've been saying that for the past four hours."

"I'm cold." Valkyrie shivered.

"Go get a blanket then."

"You get it. I'm sick."

Skulduggery groaned but got up to get a blanket. He put it over Valkyrie's body and sat back down. "Better?" He asked.

"Much. Thank you." Valkyrie replied.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yeah." She answered.

"I'll order pizza."


They fall into a silence. Valkyrie suddenly feels sickness wash over her.

She jolts up and sprints to the toilet and empties her stomach. Skulduggery followed her and grabbed her hair away from her face and rubbed soothing circles on her back. "Thanks." She mumbled before rinsing her mouth in the sink.

Valkyrie and Skulduggery walk back to the living room and Skulduggery sits down next to her. Valkyrie starts going into a coughing fit. "I'll go get you water."

Skulduggery returns with a glass and Valkyrie gulps it all down.

"Lucky you can't get sick, skulduggery. Then I'll be all alone."

"Valkyrie, I would be here even if I could get sick. You're my partner and I will take care of you no matter what." Skulduggery wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her close to him.

She looks up at him and grinned. "I've never seen this side to Skulduggery Pleasant before."

"I don't show it often so don't get used to it."

Valkyrie laughed and snuggled closer to him. They remain like that until the pizza arrives.

"I'll get it." Skulduggery says, tapping his collarbone, activating the façade.

Skulduggery opens the door to a young pizza delivery boy. "Hello." The boy says.

"Good day to you." Skulduggery says, looking into his wallet for the money.

The boy looked at him. "Is there something wrong with your face?"

Skulduggery looked up. "I'm sorry?"

"Your face. It looks waxy. Is there something wrong with it?"

"I can assure you there is nothing wrong with my handsome face." Skulduggery replies.

"Do you eat?"

"Of course I eat."

"It doesn't look like you eat enough. You're really skinny, you might need some more food in you."

"I'm fine, really. Thanks for your concern."

"Are you sure? Did you want another pizza?"

"I'm fine." Skulduggery says through gritted teeth.

"It really is no big deal though-"

Skulduggery hands him the money and takes the pizza. "Thank you." He says quickly before shutting the door in the boy's face.

He walks back to Valkyrie, pizza in hand. "What took you so long?" Valkyrie asks, taking the pizza from Skulduggery's hands and picking up a slice.

"That stupid pizza delivery boy kept asking questions about my appearance. He even asked if I wanted more food because it looked like I needed it." He grumbles.

Valkyrie cracked up laughing.

"Glad you feel better." Skulduggery mutters.

While Valkyrie was eating, Skulduggery walks into the kitchen to wash Valkyrie's cup. "Skulduggery!" She called.

"What do you want?" He called back.

"Come here."

"Just tell me what you need."

"Come here, and I'll tell you."

"Tell me from here."

"It's important."

"No it's not."

"It is. Just come here for God's sake Pleasant."

Skulduggery groaned and walked into the living room. He looked at Valkyrie. "What?"

"Can you please give me the TV remote?" Valkyrie asked innocently.

"Is that why you called me here? Valkyrie you can get it yourself, it's right in front of you."

"But I can't reach."

"Yes, you can."

Valkyrie extends her arm for the remote and purposely stops millimetres away from it.

"My lord, Valkyrie." Skulduggery says and picks up and chucks her the remote.

"Thank you!" She says sweetly.

Skulduggery turns to leave.

"Skulduggery." He ignores her.

"Skulduggery." She says again.




"Skulduggery Pleasant."

"Skully wully."

"Oh my god! Valkyrie, what do you possibly want now?" He finally answers.

"I love you."

Skulduggery sags and lets out a big groan. This was going to be a long day.  

Skulduggery Pleasant - one shots and imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now