Craig Tucker (part one)

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This was a request from PurpleWynter

I pushed my way through the halls. Not caring who I was forcing to make room. Lots of dirty comments shot my way as I shoved my way through the crowd. I found exactly who I was looking for by his locker. A happy smirk on his pale lips. Lips I'd sadly known too well.

"Aye, Tucker!" I yelled. He turned to me. Every feature said 'I hate you' except for his eyes. Which told me so different.

"What do you want (l/n)?" He sneered. I scowled at him. How dare he do this to me. I came up and grabbed his upper arm harshly.

"We need to talk!" I half whispered. Another smirk found the way to his lips.

"Sorry sweetie, but me and Bebe have a thing going on." He said. He was rubbing it in. Why did he have to make the whole situation worse?

"Craig." I whispered so softly that only, if anyone else was happening to be listening, Craig could hear me.

For a split second, I saw concern and guilt cross his features. But just as soon as it was there, it was gone. "Okay... The closet at the end of the empty hall. First let's finish this part." He whispered just as softly, before yanking his arm from my grasp, rather violently. I could see the emotional pain in his eye as he did this.

But I had a part in this to play, too. "God I hate you, Tucker! Just keep my name outta your fat mouth will you?!" I asked making it seem as if an argument had been taking place. He lifted his middle finger and shoved it into my face. "Fuck off, (l/n)!" He yelled back. He kept his finger in the air even when I turned to leave. And knowing Craig, probably long after, too.

I made my way through the halls. I can't believe him. I didn't care if we had to pretend around everyone else. That didn't mean he had to go get with my mortal enemy!!! Or even in a relationship at all! What more could Bebe give him, that I couldn't? Not a damn thing. And I was pissed. To say the least.

I saw Craig come around the other side. His entry was closer to the ganators closet, so he slipped in a good twenty seconds before I approached the door. When I did I swung the door open, and opened my mouth to yell. But I was stopped short when Craig's all-too-familiar tounge slipped in. For a moment I was in a dazed high, from the taste. But when I came to my senses again, I shoved him back hard. He had another Fucking smirk.

"Why do hate me Craig?" I whispered. The tears I'd forced back when I'd heard the news suddenly finding their way out of my eyes and ran swiftly down my face.

The smirk instantly fell. It was replaced with remorse. He came close to me and wrapped his large arms around me. I breathed in his sent. He smelled and felt like comfort. But this was not the case. You can't find comfort and safety from the root of the problem. "(Y/n), I don't hate you. I... Care for you more than you could imagine. But we both have a different life to live. We've been over this. If 'us' worked the way I wanted it to, I'd never leave you. But it just won't." He said in a soothing voice. I tried to accept it. To believe it.

"What if...." I began. But I stopped. This is not the time for that. But the look on his face begged me to continue. Like, he knew what I might have said.

"(Y/n)... What if.... What?" He asked. There was no sort of indication of any kind in his voice. I don't know what he was expecting. But if I don't say it now, then I may never get to. He may just forget about me and stay with Bebe. I mean when this started, we agreed on 'just sex'. I was never supposed to fall in love with him. We've hated each other since we were eleven.

"What if.... What if I love you.....?" It came out as a whisper. Barley audible. I couldn't tell if he'd heard me or not.

I felt his warm familiar lips press to mine. A warm comfort went through me as his arms curled around me. He pulled away and with a smile. A genuine smile. "Then I'd finally get to tell you that I love you too..." As the words left his mouth, I kissed them back in. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tugged slightly on the hairs that trailed the back of his neck.

Craig deepened the kiss and it took me a moment to not get caught up. I slowly pushed him against the wall, and he lifted me up, to wrap my legs around his waist.

I felt his soft tounge slither and flick across my bottom lip. Just begging for an entrance. I quickly obliged. Craig was always dominate.

He began lifting my purple top, up and over my head. Barely breaking the kiss to do so. Over my (f/c) bra, he fondled and caressed my breasts. He knew Exactly how to touch me. And sometimes, it scared me that he was so skilled at it.

I moaned slightly as the king of foreplay groped in a piticularly pleasing way. And I grinded hard on his growing member. He grunted and tugged lightly on my (h/l), (h/c) hair. I reached back and grabbed at the hem of his shirt from behind. I pulled and it easily pulled lose from his hot skin. As soon as the shirt was gone, I pressed my stomach against his. Forcing this blissful contact. He closed the small spacing, by unclasping my bra and wrapping his arms around me when it was pulled off.

He pressed his lips to my hot skin and the hollow of my neck. Causing a shudder to go through my whole body unintentionally.
He pulled and sucked at the skin. Causing an euphoric pain to drench from his saliva. I tugged at the latch on his belt as he hitched up my skirt. I got the belt loose and pulled it from the dreadful loops. I started grinding on him again, once he'd all but busted through on his own, I released him from the painful capture of his pants.
He tugged on the hem of my panties. "I want you so bad right now." He whispered huskily in my ear. Out of all the times Ive had him inside of me, never, have I ever needed it, as deeply as I do now.
I hoped down from his waist, and eased my way onto my knees. I grasped his large member into my hands and very lightly drug my finger tips to the top. I reached down and firmly pressed my lips to the head of his manhood. I could hear his breathing quicken. Finding a slight satisfaction in his breathing, I slipped my tounge onto the head, and swirled it around. I did the same motions thrice, before engulfing the rest into my throat. I choked a bit, before getting used to the feeling. As my mouth began to pump his member, I used my, now free, hands to dicard my panties. Just as they dropped to the floor, I felt his member enlarge. I pulled back and watched the pleasure drain from his features. I then stepped out of the dropped panties and positioned myself on the shelves.
He crawled over to me and positioned himself to my entrance. He leaned forward and placed a small kiss on my lips, before thrusting into my tight wet cavern. I sucked in a hard breathe to hold in my cries of pleasure. After so many thrusts, I matched the rocking on hips. And fucked back, just as fast and hard.
The moans had already escaped my mouth and proceeded to fill the air. Which may have been what tipped off some of the students who, threw the door wide, and gasped as they realized that it was Craig Tucker and (f/n) (l/n). The two who have hated each other since the fifth grade. Fucking... In a janators closet. This was gonna be hard to explain. In the background... I saw the face I was hoping not to. Bebe. Shit.

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