Tweek Tweak

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A/N:i just wantd to say, im a writer, when i write, i just go with the flow. it comes out on thiss screen, just as it flows into my brain. nothing is thought about. nothing is edited, atm. these works are just my dirty mind, doing its dirty job CX so please try to ignore the spelling and grammar. i pomise, ill go back and edit everything when im finished with this book.

I was a regular customer at Tweek Bros. Coffeehouse. Every morning on my way to school, I'd stop by and see him. Drink my coffee, and go.

I actually didn't even realize he's why I went until this year. He was in my English class. It was my senior year. I've had him in class before. But within the last year, I couldn't keep my eyes off of him.

He sat directly beside me, and we talked frequently. When he asked me to have coffee with him, I had to hide my inner fangirl.

We'd been dating for a week now. Not long at all. But I felt like it'd been forever. Every relationship I've ever had seemed a lifetime passed.

Tweek was totally awesome. He was so Damn sexy too. I'd never had so much fun as I did when with Tweek. And it didn't really matter if we were at Craig's, or Tokens, or if we were all alone. Because he was just loads of Fucking fun.

The only issue was... We don't have loads of Fucking fun. Now sex isn't a priority. I'm okay with not having tons of sex. I'm just so painfully curious about what'd be like to do the do with Tweek Tweak.

Okay, so me and Tweek are hanging out in Craig's house, right? And Craig's high as a Fucking Kite right now. So his mom screams that she's going to the grocery store, right? And so Craig's got the munchies, so he jumps up, and says "later dudes!" And takes off with his mom.

This may be my chance.

I turn to Tweek.with a smirk on my face, and lean in. I can feel his body shake under me and I press my lips to his. When I pull back for air, I ask him seductively "Tweek... Are you a virgin?" He jerks his head to the side.

"N-no... Are you?" He asked. He was so close, I could smell the coffee on his breath. I shook my head no. And he presses his lips to mine again.

I pulled closer, and deepened the kiss. We molded into each other.

I could feel my lower region moistening just from the tension of the kiss. Hungry teasing. Amazing.

I stood from my seat, and pulled Tweek up with me. We crossed over to Craig's bed, and I sat down.

Tweek remained standing, and brought me into another kiss. I felt his hand roam my body. And his slim shakey finger slip under the hem of my top, and drag it up my sides. He lifted it over my head, and unclasped my bra while doing so.

The bra slipped down my shoulders and off.  Tweek stopped momentarily to take in my delicate figure. He leant down and took my left nipple into his mouth. Suckling lightly on it. I gasped leading my fingers to tangle in his messy Blonde hair.

As he works, my hands make there way to his jeans. I work the zipper down, and shimmy his pants to his ankles.

Tweek grabs my legs and yanks me onto my back. He hikes my skirt up to my waist. For some reason, just now, it hits me. Me. (Y/n) (L/n), am going to have sex with the one and only Tweek Tweak.

His shakey fingers lightly cross over my panties, directly over my heat. Teasing me. Pleasing me. I can feel his nails drag painstakingly slow over my dressed clit.

My heavy breath catches in my throat every time.

I can feel my heart beat pick up, when he slides a twitchy finger into my panties from the side, and lightly runs a bare fingertip along my clit again. I gasped when his finger nail, scrapped gently at my bud. Even with the twitch of his hands, he still expertly knew where and how to touch me.

I briefly wondered to myself, if hed been intamate with a large group of women. breifly. because i honestly didnt care much, after he swooped his head in, and tangled his tounge into my folds. I arched my back, up against Craigs bed and had a quick, powful orgasm. Tweek looking as if he'd bathed  in my juices. he looked up at me, whiping his mouth. his eyes burrowed into mine. in that moment we jumped into eachother, and kissed with more passion and lust than any kiss, i have yet to experience. 

our tounges fought for dominance, before we molded into one. neither of us, taking control, both of us, just envoloped into one another.i felt his hands, constantly roaming. tracing. his finger stopped when he looped them into the loom of my lacey panties, and slid them deicately down my legs and off my toes. he ran his hands back down, slowly, on the insides of my legs, widening them with every inch he traveled. i could feel all the energy hed been hiding ll the twitches juat giddy to be moving fast. 

Tweek was always, constantly having to calm himself down. trying to hold back, so that everyone else could keep up. but in this moment, he and i both knew, we didnt have very much time. and we both knew that there will be no holding back.

when Tweeks hands made their way, back up to my waist, i could feel the tip of his member, caressing my entrance, gingerly. i could feel his soft skin, gently pressing ito my wet, sensitive hole. i moaned a bit as his tip grazed lightly over my sweet spot. and he chuckled slightly. but the laugh was breathey. like he was still being careful. concentrating. i knew he was afraid of hurting me. but i wanted him to know that i wanted it all. i wanted the fast jittery man power that tweek had. i wanted what no girl had ever got from him.

i thrusted my hips up onto him. slamming on him. he groaned loudly through his surprised gasp. he stood completely still now. not moving, and not twitching. he stared into my (e/c) eyes, and then without warning, he slammed hard into me. it was painful. but the pain was masked with an undescribable pleasure. i moaned, quietly as tweek slammed had, and ast. letting out all the energy he had been storing in him. all the times hed been forced to hold back, let out in a short moment of complete and total euphoric bliss. 

when we finally came to a stop, sweaty and hot and both of us completey drained, he looked at me. his eyes full of gratitude. he leaned in closer, and pressed a small loving kiss on my lips. 

thats when we heard a car door open. the slam. both of us, jumped to our feet. the feeling of fatigue gone. and scrambled for our clothes. 

we were both fully dressed, but still sweaty, out of breth and nervous, when Craig walked into his bedroom. Craig stopped and sniffed the air a bit. "it smells like sex, in here..." his eyes narrowed. "please tell me it wasn't on my bed.." he looked at us, and we just stayed silent. "jesus." he said. he flipped us both off and pulled his sheets from the bed. "sickos.." he muttered.

but what Craig says doesnt matter. because i just had sex with Tweek Tweak.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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