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"You're the ace in a deck of cards. Sometimes you're overlooked, but once you get your opportunity, you strike harder than any of the other cards."

-Finnick Odair


                         COIN STARED AT the hard drive Cecilia passed to her from across the table. "What is this?" Coin asked, her voice explaining her exact emotions that she was not in the mood to be lectured more about how excellent Sadie was.

"A compilation of every bad event to severally impact Sadie's life. Some dating back to her Games, while others are as latest as her torturing sessions in the Capitol. We have security footage, thanks to Beetee from inside the Capitol itself. You may watch them all and study Sadie's weaknesses," Cecilia explained as Coin examined the hard drive.

"And is Miss Sterling okay with us invading her privacy?" Plutarch asked.

"Considering it was her idea, I would think she's alright with it. She told me to tell you that it's better if her enemies know her weakness so she can predict their next moves more accurately," Cecilia added, her usual fire never leaving.

"Well, now I'm telling you to tell her that we are not her enemies," Coin assured, her tone becoming soft as it had later that week when first meeting Cecilia.

"And why couldn't Miss Sterling tell us this herself?" Plutarch asked.

Cecilia let a smirk fall across her face as she said, "she's planning her wedding."


"From this day forth, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer. I promise to love and cherish you each day," Sadie said in a dreamy and wistful voice. With the visually pleasing background, the soft and chilling grass net wrapped around her hands, enlacing them with Finnick's, and the ruby dress adorned with flowers she, Cecilia, and Effie helped sew that flowed down to bellow her knees made her feel like she was floating. But the thing that sent her to the moon was Finnick's beautiful sea-green eyes staring right back at her; a smile spread across his face as he listened to Sadie's vows.

Once Sadie finished, Finnick began, "I, Finnick Odair, take you, Sadie Sterling, as my wife from this day forth, Together or apart, we will always be united. One life, one purpose, one destiny."

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