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i wished for love on flimsy daisy petals,plucking them as ifthey had the power tomelt your granite heartthat bloomed withwilting freesias and corrosive golden nectar

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i wished for love on
flimsy daisy petals,
plucking them as if
they had the power to
melt your granite heart
that bloomed with
wilting freesias and
corrosive golden nectar.

your eyes reminded me of
the roaring ocean, the
malignance of your beauty
creating phosphorescent
scars down my spine- but i
didn't mind because to me,
you held the universe in
your hands.

i prayed to a god i never believed
in for you, but you never noticed
my bleached ribs that were lacquered
with etiolated frangipanis amongst
the coruscating supernovas and cosmic
cataclysms. i set myself on fire for you,
i burned and burned; till my body
was incandescent, till my veins were
charred with necrosing galaxies
and collapsing stars.

your eyes flickered over to me
when i burnt myself for you,
and then you finally saw me.
as if gossamer silk petals, and
rosary beads could have ever
made you notice me; you wanted
someone to burn themselves
alive for you.

you wanted someone who let you
destroy them for you. you asked
me whether i wanted the universe
or you, i chose you because you carried
the universe on your fingertips, just like atlas
carried earth on his back; both of you
destined to be the greatest tragedies alive.
you told me you'll end up destroying me,
and all i said was i won't mind.

you were the sun that lit up the whole galaxy, and like mercury i crashed into you headfirst because all i craved was for love. i didn't mind if you used your knife like tongue to cut open my veins till rubies tumbled down my contused arms; if that was what it took for you to love me i was ready to pay the price for your vicious love.


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