Chapter Three

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Neil was gone when I woke up. I checked the dining hall, but him and his group were a no show. So I ate breakfast alone.

I'm at my desk now, headphones on. Two classes, calculus and chemistry, sent out early homework assignments due Monday. School still hasn't started and I'm already miserable and confused. How do they expect me to do well when they haven't even taught a lesson?

I've read the first chapter of each textbook at least a dozen times. I think every time I do so, halfway through I start thinking of Neil. Then suddenly I'm at the end of the section and I can't remember a single thing.

All I hope is that this doesn't last the whole school year. Being distracted doesn't mix well with Welton. If I keep it up in an actual classroom, I'm afraid I'll be kicked out in a week.

My old school never handed out early assignments. Probably because that meant more work for the teachers. Besides, I don't think enough students would have cared to do any summer tasks. It would be pointless and end with over half the school starting their year off with zeros.

Welton is different. Sometimes I'm sure that the professors feed off our frustration. Their passion is our failure.

Or so I've heard.

I really can't focus. The loud music does nothing to drown out my daydreams. It's getting borderline obsessive, yet I can't make it stop.

I'm not sure I want to stop. It's nervous and new, but better than the alternative. Since meeting Neil, I've felt things I didn't know existed.

I don't know what Neil is. I've never had friends. There is nothing to compare him to. All I want is to know him better. To know him in every way possible.

Neil is probably friends with every person around. He's probably the type of guy who high fives random kids and no names. The boy you admire from afar. The one you've always secretly wanted to be best pals with.

Am I another no name he feels like saving?

I can't help but jump when something lands on my left shoulder. When I go to swat it away, I realize the mystery bug is a hand. Unfortunately, this only makes me jump again.

I barely hear a chuckle over the music and pull my headphones down until they're situated over my neck. The song still plays, but barely loud enough to notice.

Neil is inches away, crouched over, still laughing. Normally I'd be flustered, but I just grin, happy he's back. Homework can wait.

"You're up."

"You're back."

"Fair enough."

"Where were you?" I hope I don't sound demanding. Really I'm just curious.

"With Charlie and Knox. I would've asked if you wanted to come, but I didn't wanna wake you."

My smile grows. "You're sweet."

Neil bows before falling back, head hitting his pillow. "So I've been told."

"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah. Charlie is my best friend. It was nice catching up. What about you? You're working on the assignments?"

"Mhm. Not that I made much progress. Can't seem to focus."

Neil's legs are hanging entirely off his bed. Now he raises his head just enough to look my way.

"Sounds like you need a break."

The boy is off his bed and bouncing onto mine in a matter of seconds. I'm still at my desk when he motions me over. He pats the spot next to him. That's all it takes for me to join.

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