2025... (No ship)

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"Well, let's go get some milk.." You said to yourself. You felt something in your pocket and took it out. It was... A mask. "Wow, 2020. What a year that was!" You thought. You smiled and took out your gas mask and shotgun to go kill some zombies. 

Just as you were gonna head out the door, you heard gunshots and screaming, and you ran to your bedroom. You opened the door to find Oof, Muffin, and Nadwe standing there. 

"Hi, Y/n! There were some zombies so Oof took out his shotgun while Muffin was screaming hysterically." Nadwe explained. "Anyway, yesterday you mentioned you were out of milk, so we decided to get it for you!" Muffin said. Oof took out a bag and tossed it to you. "We also got you some cookies and pizza." Oof said. "Omg, you guys are so nice!" You gushed. "No problem, you saved us from zombies and rogue half-zombie policemen last week, so this is a thank you gift!" Nadwe explained. "You guys didn't have to! Come inside, or the zombies are gonna get ya!" You joked. "AAAH!" Muffin screamed. He ran inside and took Oof and Nadwe with him. 

"Wow, Muffin. Just WOW." Nadwe said, rolling his eyes. "Hmm, I kinda wanna go outside and kill some zombies.." You said. "Y/N! IT'S DANGEROUS! YOU YOUSELF COULD TURN INTO A ZOMBIE!" Muffin yelled. "But-" You started. "I hate to admit it, but Muffin's right. Y/n, it's REALLY dangerous. 2020 was WAY better than this. The one good thing about 2025 is that COVID doesn't exist. So, Y/n, I recommend you DON'T go out, and another thing-" Oof said. "Dude, shut up. She's gone." Nadwe said. 

"Ohhhhh, here we go.." Muffin said. Oof, Nadwe, and Muffin grabbed their guns and headed out the door. They saw you fighting policeman zombies and lifeguard zombies. "Y/N! YOU'RE SO RECKLESS! GET BACK HERE! PLEASE!!" Nadwe yelled. "Are you kidding?! This is so exciting! I think I'm burning a few calories." You said. 

"Y/N! A POLICE ZOMBIE! BEHIND YOU!" Muffin screamed. It was all a blur. You slowly turned around with a police zombie pointing a gun at you. You heard a gunshot.. But you were completely safe. Did someone shoot the policeman zombie...?

"AAAAAHHHHH!" You heard someone scream. But it wasn't Muffin this time. It was.. Nadwe...? What's going on? You slowly opened your eyes to find... OOF?! He was bleeding. Really bad. He.. Sacrificed himself. For you. "OOF! Y/N! NO!" Muffin screamed. You couldn't call for 911. They were always too busy fighting off zombies. Hospital? No way. Most of the doctors and nurses were zombies, and the ones that weren't zombies were either fighting off the doctor and nurse zombies or taking care of patients that were able to get help. There was no way for Oof to survive. Unless..

"Guys, I.. I'm sorry.. But we can help him right...?" You asked, desperate. Nadwe was furious. "Y/n! How could you do this?! You're an idiot! Maybe if you listened to us, Oof wouldn't be dead! This is all your fault! How could you possibly help him now?" Nadwe yelled. "M-Meme is a doctor.." You whispered. Nadwe laughed hysterically and started to yell, "MEME IS A FAKE! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?? I HATE YOU! MUFFIN! Let's go set up a funeral for Oof.. Y/n.."

You looked hopeful. "Yes, Nadwe?" 

"You're NOT invited to his funeral." Nadwe said. "If I catch you there, you're done for." Muffin looked like he saw a ghost the second Nadwe said that. "MUFFIN! Come on! Call the rest of them. If they ask about Y/n, say she's a traitor." Nadwe said coldly. "N-Nadwe, please, let me explain-" You said.

"Y/n, shut up. It's your fault he's dead. I don't wanna see you, hear you, know you exist, share air with you, or know you. Goodbye. Forever." Nadwe said. Muffin looked back at you, and mouthed, "Sorry." 

"MUFFIN! No talking to the traitor." Nadwe yelled. Tears started to run down your face. You felt a hand on your shoulder, and saw a lifeguard zombie. It could sense your pain. It took out a piece of paper and wrote something down. 

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