Socksfor1 squad being ✨B R A I N D E A D✨

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Socks: Y/n, what do you think the point of us all being friends are? Like how would you describe us?

Y/n: Well, we're just on drugs, but 10000x more chaotic. We're just on high.


Y/n: Hey, Tbh, how are you and grass going? Like, if you two have a wedding, can I be the flower girl? Ooh, are you planning to propoooose soon?

Tbh: Ohh... I actually broke up with grass.


Tbh: Don't worry-


Tbh: Chill, I'm with Meme's pencil sharpener. 

Y/n: Hmmmmmmm

Tbh: Only ogs know how much time I spend with Meme's pencil sharpener.


Y/n: *Starts a groupchat*

Laff: Hello?

Nadwe: Hi

Y/n: Welcome to chaos. 

Muffin: Uhhhh...

Y/n: Also welcome to me endlessly spamming "owo motherfuckers."

Y/n: *Spams owo 29 times and messes up on the 8th time*


((In the groupchat))

Ally: Goodnight guys

Blaza: Good night

Oof: Gn

Tbh: Goodnight you guys, don't let the murder bugs bite.

Y/n: Hey what-


((Still in the groupchat))

Socks: Guys, I'm gonna play SCP if you wanna join.

*Meme, Blaza, Nadwe, and Y/n joins*

(A picture of a nightmarish, disassembled clown)

Blaza: Ayo Ennard, that's your cousin? Mangle, your long-lost human brother? 

(A few minutes later a different clown shows up)


Y/n: Er-

Nadwe: Y/n, do you wanna get these braindead morons mental help?

Y/n: Sure, why not?



((Still in groupchat-))

Y/n: Laff, you're always saying I'm gonna be gay in the future, so do you think I'll be trans? Or non-binary? Or at least a different gender?

Laff: No, I just can't see you as a guy.

Y/n: J u s t a d i f f e r e n t g e n d e r?

Laff: No, your just gonna be gay.

Y/n: **you're

Laff: Shut up


Meme: Shut up

Socks: No, I don't know HOW to.

Meme: I swear, I will shove a pen down your throat and kick you where it hurts.

Socks: Oh? Go punch a hole in your wall, then, wannabe bad boy.

Y/n: The hell did I just walk into?

Laff: No idea. Wanna get MacDonald's?

Y/n: It's MCDONALD'S but sure.


((Not in groupchat))

*Muffin doing his homework*

Muffin: Hey guys, do you know what 6 x 3 is? I can't figure it out.

Socks: It's 17.

Meme: You're an idiot, it's 19.

Joocie: Aw, you're pathetic, but only one off. It's 20.

Nadwe: You guys are all fucking braindead, it's 12.

Muffin: And why is it 12, Nadwe?

Nadwe: Because! Monika's favorite color is emerald green, and all of those letters added up are 12. So, 6 x 3 = 12.

Blaza: What, you guys didn't pass math class in 3rd grade? It's 292.173913.

Woolfster: That's SOMEHOW more ridiculous than Nadwe's answer. How did you even get that?

Blaza: Simple. 6 and 3 put together are 63. 63 minus 6 is 57, then minus 9 is 48. Now we multiply 420 x 48, and that's 20,160. Divide 20,160 by 69 and you get 292.173913. Inaccurate answers possibly included. Done. 

Muffin: Oh! Thanks, Blaza. I'll pass math this year for sure. 

Y/n: Wait. Isn't it just 696969?

Blaza: Reasonable estimate, but no. Try again next time.


Word count: 497

Hi!! Let me explain why there hasn't been any updates from this book in a while. I'm currently working on THREE separate chapters for this book. Yes, THREE. I really didn't want to forget any ideas, so I made chapters for these and yeahhh. For now, just try to enjoy the braindead squad. I'll make a few more of these, of course. And (most) of these scenarios are inspired by real life events! You've got lots of material when you're in a groupchat with your braindead classmates...

Anyway! I hope you liked this chapter. Merry/Happy Christmas/Kwanzaa/Hanukkha! I hope you all stay safe and have happy holidays! Byee

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