Socksfor1 Squad Being ✨B R A I N D E A D✨(CHRISTMAS EDITION!!!)

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Nadwe: Merry Christmas, Socks!

Socks: Wow, Nadwe. You actually scraped together your allowance to buy me something?

Nadwe: Of course.

Socks: Thank you, Nadwe, you shouldn't have!

Nadwe: Great! I knew you were gonna say that, so I got something for myself. *Snatches the box*

Then everyone died of laughter.

T h e e n d


Tbh: Y/n, what are we doing, sneaking around Meme's house on Christmas Eve?

Y/n: We're TEMPORARILY turning into a gang of arsonists. 

Tbh: HUH??


Tbh: B-But why...?

Y/n: He ate the last pack of cookies. He's a monster.

Tbh: Well, technically he wears a Cookie Monster onesie and- Okay based on the look you're giving me, I'll shut up.

Y/n: Good.

*Sneaks into Meme's house*

Y/n: Don't forget to spread the gasoline all over the tree.

Tbh: GASO- You know, I'm not even gonna ask.

*Y/n lights the match*

Y/n: Alright! Now let's go.

Tbh: But if the tree burns down, won't Meme also get burned down? And his house? And his family? And his... Everything?


Tbh: Oh, God.

Y/n: Haha... I haven't really thought about that...

Tbh: So?

Y/n: We can plan a few funerals. Now let's go.



Muffin: Snow!

*Collapses in the snow*

Nadwe: Muffin, how are you making snow angels when it's literally 29 degrees, snowing hard, AND YOU DON'T HAVE A FUCKING JACKET ON?

Muffin: Haha! I don't have anything for protection against the weather. That's what makes it fun!

Y/n: Forget it. We can leave you here so you can freeze to death.

Muffin: Technically I already tried tha- 

(If you read the Muffin book I have you know what I'm talking abt-)


Blaza: It's time to open presents!

Y/n: Heh heh... Blaza?

Blaza: What need? Oh! That reminds me, Merry Christmas!

*He hands a gift to Y/n*

Y/n: Uhh, I appreciate it, but I uhh..

Blaza: What?

Y/n: I kinda lost your golden coin. Merry Christmas?

Blaza: *Starts crying hysterically*


Y/n: Okay, so burning down Meme's tree in real life didn't work out, so we're doing it in Minecraft!

Tbh: And here we go again..

Oof: But this time Woolf, Juice and I are here with you!

Y/n: Yep! This is gonna start a war!!

*Burns down his Minecraft Christmas tree*

Juice: Wait, his tree is inside his house, so technically his Minecraft house will burn down. And his medical degree. And that bed he shares with Tbh. Right?

Tbh: Hey! Wha-

Woolfster: True. Eh, risk it! His medical degree getting burned down will be fun. Again.

Y/n: Good, it's already burning down if you already haven't noticed.

(No Minecraft thingy was harmed.... Maybe.)


Meme: Okay, Y/n ALMOST burned down my house. It was only my Christmas tree that burst into flames. And my Minecraft house. So now, we're gonna light her presents on fire!

Socks: You are equally as crazy as Y/n.

Meme: I know!

Socks: Couldn't we do this later?

Meme: No, obviously not, she'll see us.

*Gets out the matches*

Y/n: Meme, what are you doing? My present for you isn't even wrapped yet.

Meme: Uhhhhhhh I'm giving you an early Christmas present. Matches. For arson. On people's houses.

Y/n: You were trying to get revenge on me for everything?

Meme: Y-Yeah. Don't kill us.

Y/n: I already killed your Christmas tree both online AND in real life, and I burnt down your h o u s e. I'm good.

*Walks away*


Word count: 520

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE EVERYONE! It's hard to believe it's Christmas already! One more day and it's opening presents... And all that Christmas stuff that I can't think of. But merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, and I wish the best for every one of you!! Byee!

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