(1) Tragedy Struck

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Chapter 1: Tragedy Struck

I woke up and saw a nurse. I was confused where I was

I asked "Where am I" The nurse turned around and said "Oh good you're awake and you're in the hospital"

"Hospital? Why am I in the hospital where's my family" I asked again. The nurse looked at me and said "There is someone who wants to talk to you" I nodded my head to say okay

The nurse walked out and In came a police officer he took off his hat and said "Miss Camri I'm sorry to tell you this but you and your family got in an accident with a drunk driver and there's been a tragedy"

I looked at him and just laughed the police officer had a serious look on his face to say he wasn't joking. I stopped laughing and said "W-what happened how did we get in the accident"

The officer said "Y'all were at a stop light when the drunk driver didn't stop and came and hit y'all's car full blast hitting your moms and your sister Veronica's side and killing your family instantly I'm so sorry"

I let out a sob and the officer said "Is there anyone who we can call any other family members" I shook her head no

I said "My grandparents aren't well enough to take care of me and they are in a nursing home we were going to see them" I let out another sob

The officer said "Okay I'll make some calls" and the officer left the room. I nodded my head okay curled up in a ball and just cried

I thought why did this have to happen to me and my family? What did I do to deserve this

The officer came back into the room with an older lady. The officer said "Jezebel I'd like you to meet Karan Hobbs she's your case worker"

Karan said "Thank you Bob I'll take it from here. Hello Jezebel I'm Karan Hobbs but you can call me Karan or Mrs. Hobbs whichever one you want" I was confused why did I need a caseworker

I said "Why do I need a caseworker," Mrs. Hobbs said "Well since you don't have any other family who can take you in we have to put you in the system"

I said "What's the system," Mrs. Hobbs said "It's for foster kids who don't have a family or they are in a bad home we put them in the system and try and relocate them to a better home or to find their forever home"

I nodded like I understood  I still didn't know why I was getting put in the system I was old enough to live and take care of myself

"I still don't get it," I said

Mrs. Hobbs said "What don't you get sweetie"

I said "Why am I getting put in the system when I'm old enough to live and take care of myself"

Mrs. Hobbs smiled and said "While you are old enough to live on your own and take care of yourself you have to be 21 before you can leave the foster home and out of the system"

I finally understood and said "I'm tired"

Mrs. Hobbs smiled and said "Get some rest honey and I'll see you tomorrow"

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