(18) Emma

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Chapter 18: Emma

She said "Did I hear you say that you're living with Scottsdale"

I nodded and said "Yea" She just nodded and then said "Nice well I'm Emma Jakob's girlfriend it was so nice to meet you"

She then looked over at Chloe and said "Chloe" in a rude type voice

She then walked away and I looked at Chloe and said "What was that"

Jasmyne said "Emma doesn't like Chloe because she likes Jakob"

I looked at Chloe and said "Aww y'all would be so cute"

Chloe just blushed. I laughed and said "Come on let's go to class" and with that, we went to class

After class was over I put my books away and then we went to lunch

At lunch, we were having Tacos which I didn't eat because I brought my food from home that is completely vegan

When lunch was almost over Coby, Jakob, and Aaron came over to the table we were sitting at

Aaron is on the right side of Jasmyne Jakob is on the left side of Chloe and then Coby sits next to me

Chloe was blushing the whole time and so was Jasmyne while Mia and I were trying to keep the smiles off our faces

Just then the bell rang and everyone got up and threw away their trash

The girls and I went back to my locker and I got my stuff while they went to theirs and got their last books for the day

After school, the boys and I went home and when we went in Mr. and Mrs. Scottsdale were standing there

Mrs. Scottsdale said "Hey Jezebel honey so the boys told me last night before you had come down for supper that you liked basketball

So I went on YouTube and searched your name and found a video of you at a basketball game at your old school and you making basket after basket

So I went to the school today and talked to the coach and he said that he would love for you to be a part of the team no tryouts necessary"

I looked at her and said "You what"

She smiled and said "yea it's gonna be great"

I looked at her and said "Why would you Medal in my life like that? I quit playing sports after my family died how stupid can you be" I looked at the boys and said "And y'all I told you guys that in secret and y'all betrayed me I thought you guys were my friends not"

Mrs. Scottsdale looked at me with hurt in her eyes and then I looked at the boys and they had a guilty look on their faces but the look of sorry also and then

Mr. Scottsdale said "Jezebel Allison Camri how dare you speak to Carrie or the boys like that I am very disappointed in you I thought you were better than that now apologize and then go to your room"

I looked at the boys and Carrie and said "I'm sorry" and then started my way up the stairs until Mike said "You're grounded for 2 weeks. Give me your phone" I tried to argue

Mike said "Let's make it three weeks and no phone or TV for a month"

I tried to argue again and then Mr. Scottsdale said "Let's make it a month, no phone, no TV. I want you straight home after school every day" he then held out his hand for my phone so I gave it to him

I just nodded and went upstairs I opened my door and then closed it I sat down on my bed and just cried

I can't believe I had said that to Carrie I didn't mean it at all I was just upset that she and the boys would do that"

I got up and got out of my school clothes and then put on some comfy clothes

I got up and got out of my school clothes and then put on some comfy clothes

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After I put on my comfy clothes I got in bed and went to sleep

After about an hour I woke up I was thirsty so I went downstairs when I had got to the kitchen I saw Carrie sitting at the bar drinking a glass of herbal tea

She looked at me and I said "Sorry I was thirsty" so I got myself a glass and got some water and then sat down and said "Hey Carrie I'm sorry about earlier I didn't mean to blow up like that I was just really upset about everything and I took it out on you and the boys and I'm sorry"

She said "Why did you blow up like that" I said "I used to be good at sports all kinds of sports you can think of I was good at the day of the accident I had a game and we had won the game so we were going to see my grandparents in the nursing home

Every time I would win a game whether it be basketball or softball we would always go to see my grandparents and celebrate with them well we were about 10 minutes away from the nursing home when a

The drunk driver didn't stop at the red light and crashed into the car killing my family and leaving me alive to wonder why I survived and my family didn't

So after that, I just stopped playing sports altogether. My coach had come to the hospital to see how I was doing and I had told her that I quit the team

That was the hardest thing I had to do because I loved basketball and my team but I just couldn't play anymore"

Carrie sat there silently and then said "I'm sorry Jezebel I didn't mean to make you upset because of that if I had known I wouldn't have done what I had"

I said "It's not your fault it's mine. I should have told y'all last night"

She said "Let me talk to Mike about earlier and see what I can do" I smiled and said "Thank you and I'm sorry again"

She said "Oh and here's your phone and you can watch your TV but maybe wait until I talk to him"

I nodded and said "Good night Carrie"

She smiled and said "Good night honey"

I stopped in my tracks and said "Oh and Carrie I'll give basketball one more chance"

She smiled and said "Really? That's wonderful honey I'm happy for you but you don't have to I'm not forcing you"

I smiled and said "Well basketball was mine and my family's thing maybe I could try out for another sports team but still play basketball"

She smiled and said "The school has a great Rugby and Hockey team I can give the coaches a call"

I smiled and said "That'd be great but why don't we go talk to the coaches together"

She laughed and said "That'd be great I would love to come with you"

I said "Goodnight Carrie I love you"

She stopped in her tracks on the way to her room, turned around, and  said "Night baby love you too"

With that, we went to bed

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