Chap 1

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Ella's POV

I woke up Friday morning and looked at my phone. "Ugh," I groaned crawling out of bed. I managed to get showered and dressed. "I hate being homeschooled." I walked down the stairs and Jayk was sitting on the couch. I sat next to him. "Jayk..."

"How's my favorite sister?" asked Jayk.

"Exhaused," I replied. "Why did I have to practice dance with you guys?"

"That is your PE credit for being homeschooled," Jayk replied. "I didn't want to leave you in Vegas alone."

"And you think me being on the road is better?" I asked.

"This way I can keep and eye on you," Jayk responded. I raised a brow at him. "Look, Adriella, I grew up taking care of you. Now, you're sixteen." I groaned. "It keeps me at ease knowing your safe."

"One day, you have to let go," I replied.

"Not that easily," Jayk smirked. "Anyways the guys and I are going to lunch at Subway later so you can come if you'd like."

"I don't have a choice so why ask?" I asked. "I'll be dragged along anyway."

"Yeah, well, it's a habit," Jayk replied. He hugged me and kissed my forehead. "I'll be in the studio if you need me."

I nodded as Jayk left. "I wanna sleep," I whined.

"Was it really that bad?" Blake asked at the bottom of the stairs. "The dancing?"

"I applaud you for being able to do a performance every single day," I replied. "I've only been here a few months and this isn't what I thought Jayk meant when he said homeschooled."

"How long have you guys known each other?" asked Blake.

"We're going on six years now," I replied.

"I heard Jayk say you're sixteen," Blake responded. "I thought you were fifteen."

"I'll be sixteen tomorrow," I replied. "Jayk is throwing me a sweet sixteen party."

"Oh, wow," Blake smiled. "You will surely make an entrance."

"Mhmm. Well, Jayk is taking me to Always and Forever to find a dress," I shyly stated. "Will you come with? I want your opinion too."

"Yeah, I'll go with you to find the perfect dress for your sweet sixteen," Blake replied. I smiled. "No disrespect but what are you going to do at the party? Like the father-daughter dance you and Jayk talked about."

"He's flying his parents to LA for the party," I replied. "His dad is stepping in for the dance."

"How about your escort?" Blake asked.

This broke my heart. "Blake, I wanted you to walk me but Jayk said he'll do it," I replied. "Jayk and I argued but I never win against him."

"It's your party," Blake said sitting next to me. "Why won't he let you plan your own party?"

"It's Jayk," I replied. "I didn't even want a sweet sixteen." I looked at Blake. "Jayk wanted to do something for me so a sweet sixteen is the best he got."

"One question," Blake replied. I nodded. "Are you and Jayk together?"

"Gross! No! That would be considered incest to me!" I exclaimed. "Jayk's basically my brother. Why would you think something like that?" I could still tell Blake didn't believe me. "I don't have to explain myself to you. You can forget about dress shopping." Jayk walked into the living room. "You're done?"

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