Chap 6

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Jayk's POV

A knock was on the hotel door. "I got it," I sighed. I opened the door. "Can I help you?"

"I'm NCIS Special Agent Zeeba DaVid," the woman replied. "We have Adriella Sublette Purdy at the office."

"Is she okay?" I asked.

"She's fine," Zeeba replied. "I need you to come to the office with me."

"Yeah, okay," I sighed. I got into Zeeba's car with her and she drove us to the office. I walked inside with her and saw Ella. "Ella." I hugged her. "You okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine," Ella replied. "But I found Belinda."

"What?" I asked. "Dad was taking care of that."

"Jayk, I had to do this on my own," Ella sighed. "I found Belinda. She works here at NCIS."

"Where is she?" I asked.

"She works down in the morgue with Ducky," Ella nodded. I looked at her. "Don't ask. Can you please meet her with me?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Follow me," said a guy.

"This is McGee," Ella sighed. We followed him down to the morgue. "Oh."

"Ducky," McGee replied.

"Timothy," the guy said with an accent. "Where's Agent Gibbs?"

"I'm actually here to see Belinda, Ducky," McGee replied. "I have visitors for her."
Ducky, I suppose was his name, looked up at us. "Well, aren't you the splitting image of Belinda," Ducky reponded. "The only difference, you're a brunette and she's a blonde. Also, she's a lot taller and a little older."

"Ducky, where is Belinda?" McGee asked again.

"Turn around, McGee," a female voice replied. We did. "I just got in."

"Belinda?" Ella asked.

"Adriella?" Belinda asked. They hugged. "I can't believe you're alive."

"I can't believe your alive," Ella replied. "Oh, by the way, this is Jayk." We shook hands. "He's been taking care of me."

"Where's Mom and Dad?" Belinda asked. "Are they here?"

"Bel, Mom and Dad died in a car wreck six years ago," Ella answered. "Mr. and Mrs. Purdy were my appointed guardians."

"Aren't you supposed to be in school?" Belinda answered.

"She's being home schooled," I replied. "By me. I'm on the road a lot so she's with me till she graduates."

"A teenager shouldn't be on the road," Belinda answered. "She needs to be in a real home and live a normal life. You can move in with me."

"I can't," Ella replied. "Jayk's parents are my appointed guardians and his parents put him in charge of me." Belinda sighed. "I'm Jayk's responsibility."

"How'd you find me?" Belinda asked.

"It's amazing what you can do knowing your guardian is a former Navy Seal," Ella replied.

"Well, I'm going to leave you two to talk," I smiled. "Be home by ten."

"Can she spend the night?" Belinda asked. "I wanna catch up with Ella."

"Are you going to have a ride home tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah," Ella replied.

"Why don't you go upstairs and I'll swing by and get you when I'm off," Belinda smiled.

"Okay," Ella replied. We walked back to the team. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay," I sighed hugging her. "Take care of yourself." I let go of her. "Remember everything Dad taught you."

"Must be nice having such a great boyfriend," a guy remarked.

"Tony, he's my brother," Ella replied. "But yeah. He's a good guy."

"I'll see you later," I said. I left the building and got into my car. "Was that guy hitting on Ella?" I shook it off. "You're psyching yourself out, Jayk." I looked at myself in the mirror. "You're referring to yourself in third person, idiot."

Blake's POV

Jayk walked into the hotel room. "What happened dude?" I asked.

"Ella and I just met her sister," Jayk replied. "They looks so much alike except her sister is blonde, five inches taller, and is a little but older."

"Where is Ella?" I asked.

"Her sister and her are going to be spending the night together," Jayk answered. "I let her. I mean, they're sisters. Nothing can happen."

"It's been fourteen years," I stated. "What happened to her fourteen years?"

"Stop, Blake," Jayk serious stated.

"Okay," I said surrendering. "I have a question." He looked at me. "Who's Bailey Brader?"

"Bailey Brader's my girlfriend," Jayk replied. "Met her almost two years ago but that's not important." I looked at him. "Watching after Ella is my top priority right now. Thanks to you, I'm getting worried about her."

"Man, I'm sure it's nothing," I said. "Just forget about it."

"Yeah, she'll be back sometime tomorrow," Jayk stated. "Her sister is very nice though."

"What does her sister look like?" I asked.

"Just think about Ella but with blonde hair," Jayk smiled. "They are the splitting image of each other."

"I don't know if I'd be handle to see my brother or sister after fourteen years," I sighed. "That's a lot to handle. Even just thinking about it sends a chill down my spine."

"Well, after learning a few things about Ella from my parents, she can take care of herself," Jayk replied. "I still get worried because she's my little sister. I've always wanted a little sister."

"I know how you treat her man," I sighed. "You really love her, bro. In a sister type way."

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