Chap 5

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Blake's POV

I pulled into Mr. and Mrs. Purdy's drive way. "It's not like Ella's going to listen to me," I told myself. I took a really deep breath and knocked on the door. Jayk opened the door and pulled me on. "Nice to see you too."

"You have a relationship with Ella that I'll never understand," Jayk started. "You're our ONLY hope. Just please talk to her."

"How long are we giving her?" I asked.

"I'm only asking for two weeks," Jayk sighed. "Just two more weeks on the road with us is all I ask." I nodded. "We'll be in Quantico by Wednesday. We are staying there for two weeks."

"I'll make sure to tell her that," I replied.

"Upstairs first door to your right," Jayk stated.

"Thanks," I sighed. I walked up to her room and knocked. "Ella?"

"Come in," Ella replied. I walked inside and closed the door. She was on her bed typing on her laptop. "What do you want, Blake?"

"I want to talk to you about coming on the road with us," I sighed. "Two weeks. We're going to be in Quantico for two weeks."

"Virgina?" Ella asked. "Starting when?"

"Wednesday," I replied.

"Can I hang with a friend as soon as I get  there?" she asked.

"Uhm, you're going to have to talk to Jayk about that," I replied.

"Fine," Ella said hitting a key. "I'll go." She closed her laptop. "Let's go tell Jayk."

Ella followed me down the stairs with her laptop and suitcase. "She said she'll go," I smiled. "So, let's head to Quantico, everyone's headed there now."

"Jayk, can I spend time with a friend when I get there?" Ella asked.

"Sure," Jayk sighed. "And you can use my car to get around in."

"Sure thing," Ella said.

"Let's go," I replied. "We want to make it to Quantico by at least Wednesday morning."

Ella's POV

We got to Quantico around eight on Wednesday morning. Jayk handed me the keys. "I'll be back later today," I smiled. "Don't worry about me."

"Okay," Jayk replied. "Just take care of the car."

"Got it," I nodded. I drove off. I drove to the NCIS office building and walked inside. I took the elevator to the fifth floor. I walked into the room. "Excuse me, I'm looking for Special Agent Gibbs."

"Well, he's not in yet," the guy smiled at me. "I'm Special Agent Tony Denozzo but you can call me Tony." I nodded. "This is Special Agent Zeeba DaVid and Special Agent Timothy McGee."

"When is Special Agent Gibbs going to be in?" I asked.

"I'm right here," Gibbs replied walking in. "How can I help you?" He sat down at his desk. "Talk."

"Sir," I said walking to his desk. "I e-mailed you Sunday. You told me to come in first thing when I got to Quantico."

"Petty Officer Purdy never had a daughter so you lied to me," Gibbs said looking at me. "I have no idea who you are so why are you here."

"Petty Officer Purdy had adopted me six years ago, sir," I replied. "Petty Officer Purdy has a son name Jaykob André Purdy." Gibbs just looked at me. "I have my court papers that Petty Officer Purdy adopted me six years ago when my parents died in a car crash." I pulled a file from my purse and put it on his desk. "Please. You have to believe me and I honestly need your help."

"You have five minutes Miss Adriella Sublette Purdy," Gibbs stated.

"Ella," I corrected.

"Talk," Gibbs sighed.

"Right. Well, I found my sister's facebook page, Belinda Sublette, about a week ago but she hasn't been active for a month," I sighed. "I wanna get in contact with her but her contact info is sealed unless you're her facebook friend."

"She's your sister," Zeeba butted in. "You're supposed to be facebook friends."

"Here's where it gets weird," I said. "For you, anyways." I sighed. "Belinda was abducted fourteen years ago and I have no idea what she looks like other than her facebook photo. I need your help to track my sister down. Can you please help me?"

"McGee," Gibbs said. "Please help Miss Ella Purdy find her sister down in Abby's lab."

I smiled, causing Gibbs to smile. "Thank you so much," I smiled.

"Come with me," McGee said. I followed him down to a lab. "Abby can we use your computer?"

"I'm busy McGee," Abby replied. She turned around. "Well, who are you?"

"Ella Purdy," I smiled.

"McGee, you're going to have to find somewhere else to work," Abby replied. "I'm running these samples for Gibbs."

"I have my laptop," I smiled getting my laptop from my purse. "Maybe you can use it."

"This will help very much," McGee replied. He turned on my laptop. "What do you need me to find?"

"My sister's phone number," I said. "I know it's going to take a while so I brought my brother's car."

"You know, Tony won't have a problem taking you home," McGee replied.

"Unless my brother takes the car from me," I sighed. McGee started working. "I can't believe that NCIS will help me just because my guardian used to be a navy seal."

"Gibbs is nice that way," Abby smiled.

"That's good to know," I sighed. "Belinda is my only blood family I have left."

"Belinda?" Abby asked. "Belinda Sublette?"

"That's my sister," I smiled.

"McGee, isn't she working downstairs with Ducky?" Abby asked.

"Yes she is," McGee replied. I looked at him. "Are you ready to see your sister?"

"I think Jayk should be here with me," I sighed. "I should go pick him up."

"Just give me your adress and I'll get Zeeba to go pick them up," McGee nodded.

I handed him a piece of paper. "Jayk doesn't know I'm here," I sighed. "I'm in so much trouble but he needs to be here when I meet my sister."

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