Chap 7

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Ella's POV

Hours passed and I was waiting for Belinda to get off. I was sitting at Gibbs' desk. Tony sat down at his desk and looked at me. "What?" I asked.

"Gibbs doesn't let anyone sit at his desk," Tony replied. "You better moves before he sees you."

"He let me sit here," I smiled.

"Elle, face recognition on the last picture I gave you?" Gibbs asked walking in.

"Yeah," I said handing him a paper from the printer. "Five minutes tops."

"You're the best," Gibbs said walking towards Abby's lab.

"You ran a face rec in five minutes?" asked Tony. I nodded. "Probie, a girl who hasn't finished high school beat you."

"Ready to go, Adriella?" Belinda asked, walking in.

"Yeah," I smiled grabbing my bag.

"Twins," Tony stated. "That's new."

"Not new here," McGee replied.

"Let's go before Tony asks one of us out on a date," Belinda said. We walked out to her car and got in. She drove us to her apartment. We sat on her bed. "So, how long are you in Virginia?"

"Two weeks," I replied.

"We got a lot to talk about and less time," Belinda replied.

"Bel, fourteen years of information is going to take a little more than two weeks," I responded. "How about starting with something simple? Like what happened to you? Where were you all this time?"

"I lived in a hell hole for seven years," Belinda sighed. "When I graduated, I decided to run. I ended up at NCIS and Gibbs took me in as his own daughter. He paid my way through college and I got a degree in the medical field. For the past three years I've been working in the morgue with Ducky." I looked at her. "That's where I am now."

"Why didn't you ever come home?" I asked.

"I barely knew my way around the states," Belinda sighed. "Plus I called the Vegas operater and apparently you were't in Vegas anymore."

"There's this little social media site called Facebook," I smartly stated. "You could've checked that."

"I've been so busy, Adriella," Belinda replied.

"Call me Ella or Elle, please," I sighed. "But I've been living in LA and traveling around."

"What's with the traveling?" Belinda asked.

"Jayk is in a band," I answered. "He's my teacher on the road so I have to be on the road with him."

"Why don't you move to Virginia?" Belinda suggested. "You can live with Gibbs because, as you can see, I'm barely stable."

"I can't," I sighed. "Mr. and Mrs. Purdy are my guardians now."

"You're my only family I have left," Belinda stated. "Uhm, emancipate yourself. It only takes a week. All you have to do is prove that you could take care of yourself. Then you can live where you want."

"Bel, give me some time to think about it," I sighed. "I'm only sixteen. I don't know if I wanna live here in Virginia."

"Is this because of Jayk?" Belinda asked.

"He's my adopted brother who's taken care of me for years," I kinda yelled. "You disappeared for fourteen years Bel. I just found you and you're nothing I thought you'd be." I looked at her. "I thought you'd be the big sister role model I could look up to but I was wrong." I grabbed my phone. "I'm going back to the hotel. This was a mistake."

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