Chap 4

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Ella's POV

We got to Vegas in five hours. I got out of the car and got my suitcase. Mom and Dad (Mr. and Mrs. Purdy) opened the front door. "Hi," I said hugging them. Jayk carried the box as we walked inside. "I'm glad to be home." Mom and Dad followed to my old room. Jayk put the box down and I put my suitcase on the bed. "It feels weird to be back."

"I'm glad you've decided to come home, sweetheart," Dad smiled.

"It's good to have you back," Mom said hugging me.

"Please, take care very good care of her," Jayk stated.

"Son, I'm a Navy Seal turned cop," Dad replied. "I'm capable of taking care of her."

"I know but I spent four years watching her grow," Jayk stated. "It's hard to let go."

"It's her life now," Mom smiled. I nodded. "Ella, your parents would've been so proud of the woman you've become."

"Yeah," I said picking up the picture frame that held the last picture my family and I took together. "You know, I still haven't found her." I picked up another picture frame of me, my parents, and another little girl. "I don't even know what my long lost sister looks like."

"Well, I got my own private investigator looking into that," Dad replied. "Your sister, Belinda, was abducted when you were only two years old and she was ten. That isn't much to go on. That was fourteen years ago." I sighed putting the picture frame down. "We made a digital picture of what she would look like but we still haven't gotten a match on facial recognition."

"She'll be twenty four by now," I sighed.

"Honey, you gotta consider the possiblity," Mom stated.

"I'm not going to believe Bel is dead," I stated. "I just have that feeling. She isn't dead." Everywhere I go now, I always have a feeling someone's watching me. "I'm just holding on to a little hope that I still have a sister out there somewhere. She's the only part of my blood family that I have left." Gunshots were heard and we all hit the ground. Jayk crawled over to me. We heard a car drive off and we got up. "Is anyone hurt?"

"No," Dad replied.

"Do you really think it's safer to travel with me now?" asked Jayk.

"This is my one chance at a normal life," I urged. "I'm not going to let anything get in the way."

"Okay," Dad said. "Jayk, it's time."

"Promise me one thing," Jayk replied. I nodded. "Wear this cavlar vest at all times."

"I have to wear a bullet proof vest under my clothes?" I asked. "This is ridiculous. Do you know how hot it is out there?"

"Don't wear tank tops," Jayk replied. "Compromise." I huffed. "We just had a drive-by. What if that was you out there on the lawn?"

"You've made your point," I replied. "Now, can I have some time to unpack my stuff?"

"Come on Jayk," Mom said.

They all left and closed the door behind them. I looked at the vest on my bed. "A normal life," I sighed. I unpacked my box and I grabbed my laptop. I started typing. "Let's see if Belinda has been online." I may have found my sister's facebook page a week ago but she hasn't been active for about a month. She looks exactly like me, except a little taller and has auburn color hair. "Why haven't you been on?"

Jayk's POV

"Dad, Ella won't go back on the road," I said as we talked in the kitchen. "I've tried everything on our way here."

"You sure you tried everything?" Dad asked.
"Everything," I clearly stated. "She won't budge."

"Hon, you need to find Belinda before something bad does happen," Mom added. "Ella is getting out of hand. We staged the drive-by with blanks and she still wants to go to public news."

"I've got good news and bad news," Dad replied. "Which one do you want first?"

"Good then bad," I sighed.

"We found Belinda Sublette's facebook page," Dad nodded.

"Bad?" I asked.

"She hasn't been on for a month," Dad replied. "It gets better."

I asked, "What?"

"Ella has found Belinda's facebook page too," Dad sighed. "She found it a week ago. She's been trying to hack the servers to see where the last time Belinda was when she logged on."

"That still won't do her no good because it'll give her the exact location where Belinda was a month ago," I replied. "There's no way to trace where she is now. How does Ella know this stuff? Is she a trained operative? Have I been living with a criminal?"

"Jayk, do not freak out," Mom replied. "But Ella's parents were trained spies. Ella was learning all this stuff from her mom when she was young."

"I was living with someone who could've killed me successfully in my sleep?" I asked. "You didn't think it would've been a good idea for me to know I was living with a trained spy who doesn't know she's a spy?"

"Do you now know why we have to keep her from going to school?" asked Mom.

"You didn't think this was good enough to mention...oh...I don't know," I said, frustrated. "A month ago?! We may've had more time then but time is kinda not on our side right now."

"Do you know anyone that she'll listen to?" asked Dad.

"No," I replied. "Maybe Blake but that can't be our only plan. We need a plan for every letter of the alphabet." I sighed. "I don't know what we're going to do."

"Call Blake," Mom replied. "That's one of our plans."

"We have till ten tonight," Dad added. "Let's make every second count."

"Yes, sir," I replied.

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