Chapter 16

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The sound of horns woke me with a headache. I almost closed my eyes again but Bofur jumped up and started running towards the door.

"Come on Andria! They're leaving without us!" Bofur yelled.

I hauled myself off the floor, nearly stumbling into a table before I followed quickly. The ice cold wind woke me completely. The paths were empty till we neared the boats, where the crowd thickened and we couldn't get through. I could see the master look over at us with a suspicious smirk.

"Bofur slow down. We've already missed it." I said, pushing through a few people till we found Fili, Kili and Oin. When I saw Kili keeling over I felt my heart drop. "Guys get him to Bard!"

Fili nodded and they all started dragging Killian away. While they did that I turned my sights to the Master. He seemed to notice and started backing away.

"Don't walk away from me." I growled.

"Who me?" He said innocently.

"I should've been on that boat. So tell me why I fell like you're the one who kept pushing me more wine. Maybe even slipped me something." I growled.

"Oh I would never..."

"Let me stop you right there. I know you can be a slimy bastard, so don't even start to lie. I think you got me drunk on purpose so I would miss the boat. I think you were scared that if you let Thranduil's soulmate run off to fight a dragon you would be ruined. Am I close?l I said backing him into a wall. "Oh no no...don't answer. Just know that it doesn't'll get what's coming to you anyway." I smirked, leaving him sputtering.

I ran to meet up with the dwarves. Who hadn't made it far.

"There's like three of you and you can't carry him?" I asked.

"We're not exactly light." Oin groaned.

"Okay fine...your getting on my back."

Kili protested but didn't give much fight as I basically gave him a piggy back ride all the way to Bards house. But they were right, they weren't light. Luckily it didn't slow me one bit.

Bard protested as expected but let us in anyway. "I have feverfew?"

"I need herbs. Do you have any athelas?" Oin asked.

"Kingsfoil." I added. "You feed it to the pigs. Come on Bofur, two of us will cover more ground."

I rushed Bofur out the door before I paused.

"While we're gone...some shit is gonna happen. That dragon will wake. You will try and kill the mean time your girls should lock the door and stay inside! Don't come out! Don't open it unless a red headed elf says so!" I said before rushing out and picking a random direction.

Hopefully I could find the Athelas quickly.

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