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"Well well well. Look what Four dragged in" someone catcalled. Catcaller male voice. The only person who was stupid enough to cross me. Zane. My eyes opened and I grabbed the closest object on the table next to me. The adrenaline kicked in but it didn't help with speed. My arm was still broken and by the time I actually had something in my hands Molly had covered my mouth with her hand. I thrashed around as much as my body would allow. Where did any of the nurses go? "Not so tough now are you stiff". Peter held a phone in his hands making me watch a video. Eric walked over to a girl grabbing her face and forcing her skinny self to look at him. She tried to move away from him but wasn't able to due to handcuffs and instead she hit her head on the end of the bed. Eric's deep voice chuckled. This was earlier events I didn't need to see the video to know what happened but still Peter held on to me forcing me to look at the screen.  "You know I always wondered what society would think if Marcus eatons daughter was a divergent," Eric said. Bitch was all I could think. All of them were bitches.  "My father's dead to me I don't fucking care what he thinks of me and society can burn what the hell is a divergent" the young girl said. Her voice is frail but metallic and fiery. "This is tedious. Charlotte I've known you were a divergent since the moment you said 'maybe I do' or to make it even more obvious when we met" the small pathetic girl cringed away from him "Are under the impression I won't last?" I grabbed at Peters grasp wanting him to let go but he didn't. I felt sick and no longer wanted to watch this. The girl who looked as if she was fighting so hard rolled her eyes at Eric's pettiness. "Do you have a death wish?" He asked. Peters hand moved closer to my throat as I kept fighting him. "Keep moving, I'll choke you while you watch this" he said. The girl sat helplessly looking down as Eric let her go. "If your going to murder me in some horrible way please kill me now because at this point my life has been a living hell since I was born and I will be unphased" she said. Kai in the corner sighed. My eyes teared up at how I talked. I truly felt hopeless. I bit Molly's hand and kicked Peter in the gut. Wait, where was Zane? Peter fell when I kicked him and Molly was tending to her wound. I was now standing as I felt the cold metal tip of something on my head. Then a click. "Don't fucking move abnegation" Zane said. I put my hands up telling him I didn't have anything. "We're not kids anymore Zane you can't just do this shit and get away with it." He stopped me and pressed the gun harder into my scalp. "Look man you know Fours going to be pissed-" "I will shoot you!" He yelled. Ok Charlotte don't do something stupid. He pushed me towards the wall. I had no idea why until he roughly grabbed my hands and tied them together. No, not again! "I'm not your bitch Zane. You can't just kidnap me and get away with it!" This earned me the sharp end of the gun which knocked me to the ground. Why didn't he just kill me? Like he said he would. The rope Zane had tried to tie wasn't completely tied and it fell to the ground when I did. With the loose rope gone I used my arms to lift myself up. The ground had blood on it and I knew it was mine. "Your not supposed to fucking murder her Zane" Peters voice was echoing in my head. Zane pressed the gun to my arched back until I obeyed and let or made my frail body fall to the ground. "She's fine Peter. You know what Jeanine wants her for she's as good as dead anyway". My hands were tied tightly behind me. Jeanine wanted me? That bitch was using Erudites as spies to take over the government. But then why would she need divergents, in particular me. "hey hey hey sweetie look at me". Zane called me. I turned my head to the side. Looking in his piercing green eyes. I felt like I was hallucinating. Everything was surreal. Even the prick of the needle in my neck felt cloudy. I tried moving my neck away from Peter who I was guessing behind me but he just pulled me to him. Within seconds my eyes ended up closing.

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