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It has to have been 2 days since I've been locked in this room. Kai came in yesterday with Eric and they spoke a few words with me about Four and dauntless. It was an understatement to say I didn't miss dauntless. I've slept here for most of the time and my butt was sore. I wanted to punch something or someone or do something besides sitting. So now I sat in the empty cold room trying not to go insane. I hated being a prisoner to anybody. The fact it was Kai only made it worse. Training would have to be over in like 2 more days if my estimate was right. I needed something to do. Something could be anything I would even accept math problems as an activity. I could hear the door in front of me open. I didn't look up, I didn't really care. Not until the voice that spoke wasn't Kai's. "Hmm you look beaten," a sarcastic voice said. My head shot up to the man that spoke. "Peter," I muttered. Behind him were the others but I didn't care. I put my head back on the table. Considering it was the only thing I could do. I probably looked worse than I felt I could only feel my injuries from the waist down. But I could tell my face was bad too.  "You don't say," I mumbled. A hand slammed down on the table in front of me. I let out a sigh. Looking up once more to be met with Zane's eyes. He had a key in his hand and I quickly recognized it as the key to my handcuffs. The hope that had recently left had started coming back as I looked at Zane hopefully. But that was just him teasing me or that's what I thought. He unlocked my hands and I quickly  started massaging them. A cut where they were rubbing against was already visible. He pulled my hands back towards him. "Y'know when I first met you I knew you were special" he said. I looked confused and then remembered I was a divergent. "That sounds so creepy" I mumbled. My throat was super dry. I was trying to stay as positive as I could but that was hard when I was on the verge of passing out. "Honey, are you feeling ok?" The female voice surprised me as it came from Molly. Now I felt bad for ever making fun of her. "I've been locked in this room for what I can guess has been 2 days without food, water or my sane mind. I'd say I'm doing great" I said sarcastically. To be honest I felt hot. I felt sweaty and my leg was hurting with every thought. Shane used his palm to touch my forehead. I slightly shoved him away not wanting him to touch me. But he slapped my hand away. "I'm trying to help you stop being stubborn," he said. I was taken back by his statement. "I'm just tired, I'll be fine". My head was pounding. I knew I wasn't fine. Any Erudites could too. "She's got an infection that's spread throughout her body. She needs antibiotics" Peter said. I wonder if my eyes said it all. It seemed as if Shane was actually worried about me as he told me to show him where I was hurt. I looked dumb founded as I sat there confused. "I can find out myself or you can show me" he demanded. I nodded, limping over to the closest wall and sitting down as I lifted my pant leg. The cut looked disgusting now. I leaned my head against the wall as the pain took over. Causing me to let out a couple tears. Not even realizing Shane was down to my level looking at the cut. As he touched around it I let out a small squeak. Causing him to stop and look up at me. "Are you going to keep whining?" He asked. I should've expected that from him but I didn't.  "It hurts shut up," I said.  He continued poking around my leg telling Peter to go get antibiotics and a series of other things including pain killers. "Look, in order to move you you have to be sedated. It will be easier on your body." I nodded. I didn't really care about our rivalry and even if I did protest I couldn't really fight him off. I was confused when Zane just randomly showed up with a syringe. Why did he even have that on him? He moved the hair from my neck and plunged the needle into my neck.  My hand gripped my leg leaving nail marks and as soon as I knew it my eyes began closing.

A/n: this is my only story that has been resilient in letting me post updates sorry for that.

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