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I'm surprised I wasn't yet used to an adrenaline rush or the feeling of a needle piercing my skin. So the rivalry I once had turned into a false sense of security. I knew not to trust anyone but I had. Now I was tied up biting my quivering lip to stop myself from crying out. The pain in my leg was unbearable as sweat dripped down my face. My head tilted back in an attempt to lay down. I had been here for days. Waiting for anything. I had fallen asleep multiple times. The door to the somewhat dark room opened. Bringing in light. A light switch flipped revealing a big room around the one I was in. The glass to the building surrounding me. I could only see the large room by lifting my head. Which in my current state I was hesitant to do. Who I saw did shock me though. Four was sitting in a chair head down with a busted lip and these weird disks on his head. "Four?" I cried out in my croaky voice. My hair was tangled and my face was super pale.  I couldn't move much more than my head. If I tried I could feel the aching of my body everywhere. I couldn't sob either or call for help. All I could do was watch him. Watch Eric and Jeanine mess with him. Max had also come in. Glancing at me then my brother. I scoffed even though that hurt. He knew I was beat though. Enough to smirk at me which only angered me more. But I couldn't do anything. It made me think of how pathetic this whole situation was. Everything was the same  for about 20 minutes. Then I heard shouting. Gunshots. Tris. "Tris!" I called out hopefully. Everything progressed so quickly. Four had a hold on Tris as he pointed a gun to her head. I wanted to look away but I couldn't. My eyes were glued onto the sight. "Four…?" I called out desperately. Those stupid manipulaters. The hint of Tris I had seen in my brother's eyes had slowly come back. But now as they attacked erudite I was being taken somewhere else. "Four!"I screamed. He looked at me and he saw me. I kicked whoever was holding me. That did nothing. I fought and screamed the only time I actually tried to fight throughout this whole process. "Four" I tried again. I was growing tired and could feel it.  "Eric hurry up!" Jeanine yelled while she pressed options on the control board. The plans I'd seen the other day were for today. The dauntless taking over. That was happening right now and my saint of a brother was trying to stop it. Jeanine had been talking to my current captor when she had told him to hurry up. Given the odds he would win any fight I put up against him. But I didn't want him to. I wanted to go with my brother. I wanted to live longer. I wanted so many things. "Eric don't you fucking dare!" I screamed to the point where my lungs burned and my vision went hazier than it had been. Four mouthed something to me. But I couldn't tell what it was. Eric applied pressure on my infected leg making me scream in pain as I stopped fighting for seconds. Eric got down to my level as I fell to the ground in pain. Everything in slow motion now. "Look, even your own brother can't save you" Eric said, stroking hair off my face. I let out a shallow breath. Four had mouthed 'sorry' to me. I let that sink in as I realized they hadn't come to save me. "Maybe he can't. But I can save my damn self" I muttered. Encouraging myself to knee him. He clutched his chin out of pain. I laughed at his pain. Then i stood up and hit him while he was down. Again and again. I wasn't in one of my phases of breakdown. I was completely aware of my actions. "Can't say you didn't deserve this" I whispered mockingly. I got down to his level again as he was temporarily paralyzed and held down on his pressure point. He tried slapping my hand away but I choked him out till his eyes closed. Making sure to take his pistol and knife. I wiped all signs of dust and dirt off my ripped clothing. Truth be told I had no idea one could get into so much dirt and trouble in Erudite. I stood up limping over to Tris and helped her take out two guys trying to tackle her. "What was that about Four!" I yelled, smashing the end of my pistol into someone's head.  Now I was pissed. I'd spent weeks here because Four went with Eric and I know if he hadn't I'd be uninjured and id be helping him fight off Jeanine. Jeanine hurriedly started pressing buttons on her screen. The view switched from the abnegation war to I.D.'s of several people. I looked back at Four as he looked at me with his brooding eyes. He stood still as I walked over to him. Four's eyes widened at something else to the side of me.  Where Jeanine was. "Tris! A little help?!" He yelled. I turned to what he was trying to show Tris. A picture of me was on the screen with a button which had been labeled but I didn't have time to read what it said. I threw my knife at Jeanine's hand right before she pressed the button. But the screen had been touch sensitive and she had hit the button even with the stab wound. Everything went black at that moment.

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