[19] - Reunited

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Joel's POV

"The fact that you called us to come over would only lead us to assume that you've come to your senses and realized you're wrong, right?" Said Richard. "Unfortunately, yes" I said. "And I actually decided to take your advice" I said. "It didn't go the way it was supposed to" I said.

"I told Erick how I felt and he said he didn't care... Then he was at my house earlier because of a school project and he yelled at me and left..." I said.

"I never said telling him the truth was going to make him run back into your arms, I mean you did ignore him for a whole week and then showed up with a girlfriend so can you really blame him?" Said Rich.

"Wait before we continue this talk I think I owe Chris an explanation and an apology" I said. "This better be good" Said Chris.

"Chris, I don't actually like Samantha... at all" I said. "Our relationship was fake. Well she didn't know that... We never kissed or anything like that because well I'm not over Erick obviously but mostly because after you got upset about us I knew it was wrong" I said.

"Honestly the reason I asked her to 'be my girlfriend' was because I knew she liked me and I was yet again trying to convince myself I'm over him and I was just being stupid and not thinking per usual" I said.

"But I know the only way you'll forgive me if I own up to being wrong and an idiot" I said. "So yes, you're right, I'm wrong and I am the biggest idiot in the entire world so please please please forgive me" I said.

"That was the best apology I've ever heard. Mostly because you called yourself an idiot" he laughed. "But of course I forgive you, we're friends forever you big idiot" He said.

"Great. Now that we all love each other again, we need to help Joel fix the mess he's made" Said Rich. "I don't think I can fix it this time, I think he's actually done with me" I said. "There's no way" Said Chris. "You didn't see the way he looked at me. It was like any feelings he's ever had for me just went away" I said.

"Okay don't start crying like a baby now" said Richard. "Come on Joel, you're you and you don't just give up so what's the plan?" He asked. "Rich I don't have a plan I don't know what to do" I said. "Joel's never came into contact with somebody who didn't like him so now he's lost" Said Chris laughing at me. "Laugh all you want but it's true..." I said.

"I have an idea" Said Richard. "Oh no" Said Chris. "What does Erick like? What's something he likes to do?" Asked Rich. "I don't know, why are you asking?" I asked. "So we can plan a surprise date what do you mean you don't know?" he said. "Does he like going out or staying in?" He asked. "Staying in I guess" I said. "Okay good that's all I need to know. Chris and I will plan the date" He said. "We will?" Asked Chris.

"Yes we will, and it'll be tomorrow since I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to see you for the rest of the day..." He said. "I just hope for your sake him and Jax didn't fall in love or something and that's the real reason he's over you" Said Chris. "Wow that didn't make me worried at all" I said.

"Ignore him, he's just lonely so He wants everybody to be lonely with him" Said Richard. "If I'm being honest I always thought you two were secretly in a relationship or something" I said. "Wh- what would give you that impression?!" Said Chris. "And why would we hide it from you??" Said Rich. "And we're both straight!!" Said Chris.

"It was just a thought" I said. "It made sense in my head" I said. "Everything makes sense in YOUR head" Said Chris.


Erick's POV

"Somebody's here to see you" Said my sister standing in my doorway. "I don't really want to see anybody right now, who is it?" I said. "It's Jax and I told him he could come in, sorry" She whispered.

Of course it's Jax...

"So want to tell me why you've been avoiding me all day?" He asked entering my room. "I wasn't just avoiding you. I had a bad day and I was avoiding everybody" I said.

"Did I do something to upset you?" He asked. "Show up at my house without telling me you were coming" I said. "Erick I'm being serious" He said. "No you didn't do anything wrong" I said.

"I saw Joel today and he told me he loved me" I said. "Do you still love him?" He asked. "I don't know..." I said. "Do you think you still love him?" He asked. "I don't know how I feel but I do know that I'm tired of putting my heart out there just for him to break it. I told him I loved him first and he did nothing about it and now, just because he said it I'm supposed to suddenly want to be with him??" I said.

"You don't have to feel anything if you don't want to" he said. "Nobody can force you to love him and nobody can force you to be in a relationship with him" he said. "All you need to do is follow your heart even if it's leading you right into his arms" he said.

"To me you sound like you want to trust him but you're afraid he'll hurt you again" he said. "But are you more afraid that you'll get hurt or are you just not ready to be in a relationship with him?" He asked.

"I just don't know anymore" I said putting my face in his chest. "It's okay if you don't know. He made you wait all this time so you can take all the time you need" He said wrapping his arms around me.

"Thank you for listening to me be annoying about Joel" I said hugging him tightly. "Anytime, I'm always here for you when you need me" He said. "You're a really good friend and I take that for granted" I said.

"I think you're the only person who's actually listened to me complain about Joel and you helped me instead of making me feel worse" I said. "Well you know Joel isn't my favorite person in the world but you are so" He said.

"Stop it" I laughed putting my hand in his face. "You know that was a good one" He laughed. "No it wasn't" I said. "You laughed so I guess I win" He said.

"I laughed because it was cute not funny" I said. "Even better" He said with a big smile across his face.


OREO HAS RETURNED, I REPEAT OREO HAS RETURNED. I may be leaning more towards Jax n Erick over Joel n Erick :0. Hope you enjoyed the chapter teeheeッ

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