[22] - The Return Pt.2

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Joel's POV

"What were you two doing over there?" Said Jax raising and eyebrow. "Shut. Up" I said.

"Why is he even here?" I whispered to Erick. "That's a long story but you could've kicked him out, instead you said he was your friend" He said. "I didn't kick him out because I didn't want you to be mad" I said.

"Can we make this quick I would rather be anywhere but here. I just want to know why you guys are here" I said sitting on the couch. "And before you think about asking, no, there is no way I can find it in my heart to forgive you" I said.

"If you must know, we came back because we got a very unnerving call from your school saying you almost KILLED SOMEBODY" She said. "You have some explaining to do, now" He said.

"I would love to see how he gets out of this one" Said Jax.

"I didn't almost kill him, he's fine" I said pointing to Jax. "THAT'S THE BOY YOU ALMOST MURDERED?!" She asked. "Yes I am. Your son is very aggressive, I recommend counseling" He said.

"Erick, I told you I wasn't going to hurt anybody but your friend over there is asking for it" I whispered. "So kick him out!" he said. "I'll do it" He said.

Erick's POV

I motioned for Jax to get up so we could talk in private.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I asked. "I'm just having a little fun" He said. "No you're being stupid" I said. "What's he going to do?! Try and kill me again?" He said. "You need to leave" I said. "I don't get you" He said.

"Whenever you and Joel get into a fight you come running to me and I'm just supposed to be there for you. Not to mention the fact that we've almost kissed countless amounts of time which you initiated" He said. "You complain about how Joel uses you or whatever but what do you think you're doing to me?" he said.

"When you and Joel aren't together you're all over me then you forgive him or he forgives you and you go right back to him and leave me all alone" he said. "You think you're this nice, delicate, innocent little thing but you're just as bad as he is" he said.

"I'll leave but next time you guys fight or get into an argument, don't come back to me" He said.

"Just like you do whatever he wants just to get his attention, I do whatever you want to get your attention" he said. "And he's using you just like you're using me" he said. "You two deserve each other" He said leaving and slamming the door.


Joel's POV

"So let me get this straight. The call you got from my school made you realize that now you need to be parents?!" I said. "WHERE WERE YOU FOR FOUR YEARS OF MY LIFE?!" I said. "I got into so much trouble and I kept doing it because I had no parents to tell me to stop" I said.

"I've hurt a countless amount of people physically and emotionally and you want to know why? Because I was hurting so I wanted everybody to hurt with me. Now I realize what I was doing was wrong but for a 13 year old boy who just lost his brother AND his parents, I didn't see anything wrong with what I was doing" I said.

"Almost everybody in my school is terrified to come anywhere near me because they're afraid I'll hurt them. Do you think I like that? NO. I don't hurt people on purpose, I do it because I can't control my emotions and I don't know how to because my so called parents never showed me how" I said. "So please, don't tell me you came back to live with me so you could teach me how to be a human being because that time has passed. I'm 17 years old now and I'll be 18 in a year" I said.

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