Chapter 68: The Other Lands

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Hel: To be honest Mr. Jeremy I am not the person to ask that but I can tell you past this land is the mine, faceless city, and bird village. There is also glass shard valley, colossus mountain, heavy falls, the black mist, white sea, bone shard canyon, and the deep honey forest. I recommend Colossus Mountain for travel, it has giants to guide you to see other places. They have those huge colossus four toed snakes that travel anywhere but Master Xata's landscape. You have to fight

Jeremy: A four toed snake? How is that possible?

Hel: They close their bodies to have a serpent form

Jeremy just stares at her. His wolf starts to laugh

Jeremy: Okay... why not the other areas?

Hel: Glass Shard Valley, sharp and you must have major glass protection. Some go there to make vases. Very nice people. Black Mist, you can't see shit. There's a scary monster in there. Trust me, I've seen it. Heavy Falls, that's an upside down waterfall that's better to be seen from a far. People live there but you need to go when there's no storms. Bone Shard Canyon, its a long walk there but there are bone worms that eat meat

Jeremy: I'll pass

Hel: White Sea, that is the unknown area for all and trust me when I say you don't want to stay there for long. Finally Deep Honey Forest, it's amazing but there are very large bees that make honey. Don't even get me started on wasp season, hate those fucking things

Jeremy: So I should go to Colossus Mountain and that's it?

Hel: If you want to. If you give the giant Queen Bee jelly, they would be happy to let you ride the colossus worm for the rest of your life

Jeremy: Why do they need Queen Bee jelly?

Hel: Ah I'm glad you asked. It helps cure the giants and gives them something to tame a Queen larva so they have one in their land to help them with their people. They use to have many but a massive storm came and killed them. Poor giants

Jeremy: Why can't they just get more?

Hel: They're too big to enter the nest. They need the bird people to get them. We perform a dance for the queen. If she loves it, she'll give you a larva. If she likes it, she'll give you jelly. If she hates it, we'll there's two things. Either she'll bite your head off or tell you to get the hell out

Jeremy: Well then I'll definitely not go there since it's a lot of work and I don't dance

His wolf laughs

Jeremy's wolf: I don't know about that, everyone seems to fall in love with your new look and I'm pretty sure they'd love your dancing

Jeremy: Shut up

Jeremy's wolf: Hmph

Jeremy: Have you gotten anything from the Queen Bee?

Hel: Yep. I got a larva and I was able to ride the colossus worm anytime I wanted

Jeremy: Good for you

Hel: Thanks

Jeremy's wolf: You know who else would like your dancing?

Jeremy stays quiet

Jeremy's wolf: That werewolf bitch in heat

Jeremy *whispers* Z

Jeremy's wolf: She'd drool all over you since she's in the mood for anything. I should say WE'RE in the mood for anything

Jeremy glares. It's an awkward silence as they're walking. She gets a feeling from him since he seems to be distracted by thinking about something

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