Chapter 39: Karma is a Bitch

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You growl at them then let out a loud roar that echoes throughout the whole room. Jeremy immediately gets affected by it. It was just as he said "nails on the chalkboard" but it had a more eerie sound to it that made his ears beg to be covered. He tries to be strong to get another shot at you but once he aims the gun, the sound becomes unbearable to where he drops the gun and covers his ears while yelling. Antonio and Clay run over to him. The gun goes off, shooting Clay in the chest

Elena: Clay!

Peter: Holy shit man

Jeremy sees

Jeremy: Clay

You stop roaring then suddenly charge at the cell door. It shakes the whole room from the vibrations

Logan: Shit!

Nick: Get ready!

Clay quickly pulls the syringe out but the damage is already done. Once he sees the empty syringe, he drops it in shock

Clay: Oh shit. Oh god

You charge at the door again. It slams wide open

Elena: Damnit she broke through!

Nick: Of course she did! She's out of control!

You growl while slowly walking over to them. They start to slowly walk backwards while keeping their stance

Peter: Oh fuck how are we going to do this?!

Logan: Attack her all at once again?!

Nick: We have to protect Jeremy and Clay! She's probably after them!

Elena: She's after all of us!

Nick: They pissed her off the most!

Peter: Think of something! We're by the door!

You suddenly stop. They stop as well. You look over at Jeremy, Clay, and Antonio. Jeremy looks up at you, still in pain. Nick suddenly hits you on the back with his weapon but it breaks in half. Everyone's eyes get wide

Elena: You've got to be kidding me

You suddenly smack Nick across the room and into the wall

Antonio: Nick!

Logan quickly jumps on your back and wraps his arms around you neck. You let out another roar. Jeremy yells in pain again

Elena: Now!

They all start attacking you. Jeremy uncovers his ears when you stop roaring and get distracted by everyone since the pain finally stopped. He sees the blood on his hands when he put them on the floor. He's not fazed by it. He stays there for a second to pull himself together from what he just experienced. His ears were ringing loudly to where he could barely hear anything and was slightly dizzy. Antonio looks at him, noticing the blood

Antonio: Jeremy

He hears the vibration, waving Antonio off

Jeremy: I'm fine

Antonio looks over at Nick who ended up changing into his wolf form. You smack Elena from you then Peter as well. You finally grab Logan and throw him off. When you thought you were in the clear to get to Jeremy, Nick attacks you. He puts you up against the wall and tries bitting you but you hold him back with your big werewolf hands. Jeremy finally snaps out of it and crawls over to Clay whose sitting up against the wall now. He sees the blood coming down Jeremy's ears

Clay: Your...ears

Jeremy: What?

Clay gets ready to grab Jeremy's ear but he quickly grabs his hand

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