Chapter 95: Painful Memory

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You wake up groggy like last time but worse

Your wolf: Ugh

You: Ugh is correct. Do you remember anything?

Your wolf: Just us eating fruit plants or something

You: Great. I hope I didn't do anything stupid or embarrassing last night

Your wolf: Only one way to find out

You get out of bed then slump over to the door. Once you open it, you see Xata standing in front of you but the bright lights in the hallway make your eyes squint

You: Ugh what happened?

Xata: You got drunk

You: Wow really?

You grab onto your head

You: Ow my head. Have anything for it?

She gives you something. You take it

You: Thanks. So what are we doing today?

Xata: Follow me

You follow her into the spa

Venta: Hello Master. Anything you and Z need?

Xata: Why don't you and the rest of the staff take the day off

Venta: Really?

Xata: Yes take the day to relax

Venta: Yes ma'am

Finbar: I'm staying. I love work

Xata: Fine Fin

Finbar: Yay!

Xata: Z get out of those clothes and get in the hot springs

You: Okay; are you going to relax to?

Xata: I did last night

You smirk at her

You: Oooo

You start undressing then get in the water

You: Ah. That wonderful feeling never gets old

Xata: Now that you are relaxing, I have something to show you

She pulls out a phone and shows you the video of her giving Jeremy a massage from last night. You get a weird look

You: What's going...

You notice that Jeremy is naked. Your eyes get wide

You: OH MY GOD! WHAT?! Is that my Danvers?!

Xata: I recorded it to show you where you can give him a massage at. If you are angry or jealous, feel free to let it all out

You're staring at the phone, fixated on it

You: I want to because I'm super jealous but oh god his body is so sexy. Wait... why is thing up?

Xata: I truly have no answer for that. Maybe his wolf was too excited

You: Could be. That wolf is horny as fuck. Man I wish I was in your position

Xata: Well you can now. I am showing you where to put pressure on him to relieve stress so he can calm down. He will love that

You: Oh sick

Xata: Now, I'll record you to in case he asks me how to help you with stress

You: Say no more, record me...

You look back at the video

You: Well let me relax a bit

You get more comfortable in the water while watching the video

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