Chapter 23: Talk

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Jeremy, Nick, and Antonio make it back home after an hour with Sheriff Morgan

Nick: That was rough

Antonio: Yeah no kidding

Jeremy: Now we have another problem in our hands

They see Logan and Peter just hanging by the stairs

Jeremy: Everything good?

Logan: Yeah just waiting for you

Jeremy: Has she been causing trouble?

Peter: No she just won't talk to any of us. She wants to talk to you only

Jeremy: Of course she does

Antonio: Well I guess I'll make dinner then

He walks into the kitchen

Nick: I'll help you out

He follows him

Logan: We'll stand guard out here

Jeremy nods then heads downstairs. He sees Clay and Elena sitting down in front of the cell watching you. You look right at him and smile. He ignores you as Clay and Elena look at him

Elena: Everything okay?

Jeremy: There was a body near the house

Clay and Elena look at you. You smirk

Jeremy: What? What happened?

Clay: She said she could hear you and The Sheriff talking. That you found a body

Jeremy looks at you. You just smile

You: Impressive huh?

Jeremy: What did you find out about her?

Clay looks at Elena with an annoyed look. She just shrugs

Clay: Elena suggested we wait until you got here

She gives him an annoyed look

You: I suggested it to

Clay and Elena: Shut up!

You: I speak the truth. Don't deny it puny wolves

Jeremy walks over to the cell. You go over to him, hanging onto the bars as smoke comes out of your hands. You smile big at him as he stares at you, looking into your green eyes that he can't resist. He quickly looks away. You let out a giggle

Jeremy: You said you'd answer more questions next time we met

You let go of the bars

You: Yeah I remember

He grabs a chair and puts it in front of the cell and sits

Jeremy: So talk

You let out another giggle while sitting cris cross on the floor

You: Well ask me a question then

Jeremy: What the hell are you?

You look around confused since he clearly knows the answer

You: Um... a werwolf duh

Jeremy: You are nothing like us

You: Umm... yes I am just taller, bigger, stronger, and smarter

Elena: Psh

She rolls her eyes. You stay staring at Jeremy as he does the same

You: You know it's true. I took down your whole pack when you tried capturing me. How many times now?

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