Chapter 18: It's Just Not That Easy

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Clay: Sorry Jeremy

Jeremy: No I'm sorry Clay. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. Your plan was great just wished you'd told us about...

Antonio: Shh quiet!

Jeremy quickly stops talking and looks at him

Antonio: Do you hear that?

They all listen. They hear popping sounds

Peter: What the hell is that?

Jeremy looks over the seat at you, noticing your crooked legs straightening itself out

Jeremy: Oh my god

Elena: What's wrong?

Jeremy: Her legs are popping back in place

Clay looks at the rear view mirror

Clay: What?

Jeremy: It's okay. Keep driving. As long as she doesn't wake up, we're fine

Elena: What do we do?

Jeremy: Clay; please tell me you have morphine on you?

Clay: I have something better

Jeremy: Hand it to me

Clay carefully starts going through his pocket to get the syringe. They hear a louder pop while you let out a groan but your voice was deep

Antonio: Is she turning?

Jeremy grabs your jacket and slightly pulls it down so he can see your face. He sees you trying to turn

Jeremy: She's struggling to

Peter: Shit

Jeremy: Shh it's okay

Clay: Jeremy

He looks over as Clay has his arm out to him with the syringe. Jeremy takes it

Jeremy: What is this?

Clay: A sedative

Jeremy: Perfect

He uses his mouth to take the top off. It makes a pop sound. Your ears get triggered by it. He slowly lowers it towards your neck. You eyes suddenly open as you see the syringe, quickly grabbing his wrist. His eyes get wide from you catching him off guard. You smile

Jeremy: Oh shit!

They all look. You use your nails to cut his arm. He yells while dropping the syringe. It rolls to the end of the trunk

Elena: Stop the car!

Clay presses the breaks. Everyone flops forward but you crash into the seat. You feel your legs touching the door of the trunk so you start kicking at it

Peter: She's trying to get out!

Jeremy: Drive!

Clay presses on the gas. Everyone but you flops back to their sears while trying to pick themselves up. You start kicking at the door again. Antonio goes over the seat and grabs you by the hair, pulling you towards him so your legs don't touch the door. You try grabbing his arm to get him off while yelling. Jeremy grabs onto his arm

Elena: Jeremy

Jeremy: I'm fine, it's just a scratch

Elena: Where's the syringe?

Jeremy looks over the seat and sees it by your leg

Jeremy: Shit

You were occupied by Antonio so Jeremy goes over the seat and crawls over to it. You see him then the syringe and kick it so it goes behind you

Jeremy: Shit! Peter get the syringe!

Peter sees it then climbs over the seat, Antonio pulls you to the side so he can get it. You yell then kick Jeremy to the door that it slightly opens. He grabs your legs to stop you from kicking him then holds in down. You see Peter reaching for the syringe so you fling yourself over and grab him by hair, pulling him back away from the syringe

Peter: Ow! Ow! Ow! Let go!

Clay is watching from the mirror. Jeremy tries grabbing the syringe

Elena: Clay look out!

He looks at the road. There's a deer in the middle so it slams on the brakes as everyone falls forward. He extends his arms in front of Elena so she doesn't fall forward. Antonio let's go of your hair and falls off his seat. Jeremy falls on top of you, and Peter slides forward, hitting his head on the seat

Peter: Ah fuck!

The trunk door flings open. Clay curves the car and goes into the woods where the car stops forcefully. Clay and Elena catch their breaths while looking at each other

Clay: Are you okay?

She nods then looks back, seeing Antonio so she goes over to him

Elena: Antonio are you okay?

Antonio: Yeah I'm fine

Jeremy: Peter; are you okay?

Peter: I'm fine

He touches his head

Peter: Ow my head

Clay sees the trunk open

Clay: Oh shit

He gets out of the car. Elena and Antonio get out as well. Jeremy hears another popping sound and looks at you, your back popped back in place. Clay goes to the trunk and gets ready to close it but you suddenly kick it back open, hitting Clay as he falls back

Jeremy: Clay!

Elena sees. He tries grabbing you but you slide away, taking your jacket with you and get out of the trunk

Jeremy: Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

You smirk then take off. Elena goes after you as Jeremy quickly gets out and goes over to Clay

Clay: I'm fine. Go after her, we'll meet up with you

Jeremy helps him up

Jeremy: Are you sure?

Clay: Trust me

Jeremy nods then goes after you. Clay goes over to the trunk. Peter starts crawling out while Antonio goes over to them. They help Peter out. He has the syringe in his hand

Clay: You good?

Peter: Yeah don't worry about me. What are we going to do now?

Clay: We need Logan and Nick here

Antonio: I'll call them

He takes his phone out and calls Nick

Peter: What are we going to do about that mutt?

Clay opens the floor of the trunk

Peter: That was there this whole time?

Clay smirks at him

Peter: You'll be needing this then

He hands him the syringe. He puts it in the gun and loads it

Clay: We only get one shot

Peter: Oh...great... don't miss

Clay: Same to you incase you have to do it

Peter: I hope not

Clay: I have a feeling this isn't going to be easy

Antonio: They're on their way

Clay: I'll find Elena and Jeremy

Antonio: We'll meet up with all of you when they come

Peter: Be careful

Clay: Same to you both

He runs after Elena and Jeremy

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