Chapter 12: Midnight Prowl

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After your transformation...

You jump out of the window and run out into the woods. You stop for a moment to lick the wound on your chest. Even though the knife that Clay used didn't go all the way through, it still hurt. You look up at the full moon, letting out a piercing howl that gave Jeremy and any Alphas nearby chills. Your wolf form knew it was time to hunt. The thing is, it wasn't animals you were hunting for. You remember earlier when the hunters were talking with Jeremy and Elena. They said that the people who tried burning you alive survived the massacre and you were determined to find them before you change back. You go all the way back to where it all happened, sneaking pass The Alphas house undetected by everyone outside. Once there, you start to smell around the area, making sure to get all the survivors scent. Five had escaped. You follow their scent which took hours but when you had finally found it, it led you to a two story cabin. They were all inside. You couldn't let them live after what they did to you. They were the monsters and they were the last of them. You sneak your way to the back of the cabin. There was a trip wire set up but you wanted them to know you were there so you cut it with your claws. Suddenly, spotlights hit you and an alarm goes off. You see them from the windows jump up from what they're doing and look out the window, seeing you standing tall while growling. You see their eyes get wide as they quickly start grabbing their weapons. Now the real begins. You charge at the door in full speed, breaking it down with your body. One of the guys instantly shoots you in the chest. You roar and look down at it as it burns you, pissing you off. He tries shooting again but you duck then jump at him, tackling him to the ground as you start attacking him, biting and ripping at him. He lets out agonizing screams that echoes throughout the whole place. Even Jeremy can hear him from where he's at. Another guy comes down the stairs with a gun, sneaks up behind you, and shoots you in the back. You growl

Guy: Die you spawn of satan!

You quickly turn around and use your claws to cut his throat. He drops these gun while grabbing onto his neck, going up against the wall then sliding down to the floor. A woman suddenly starts screaming from seeing the bodies on the floor. She sees you then runs but you quickly jump on her back while biting her shoulder and start ripping her apart as well. You hear a shotgun reload then look. There was girl upstairs pointing the gun at you. An older man was behind her holding a gun as well. She shoots, reloads, shoots, reloads, and so on. You back away as you're getting hit with the bullets then get blown out the window from the last shot. The girl starts reloading her gun while going down the stairs

Man: Careful. She could still be alive

Girl: Get your gun ready

She goes over to window and looks, you're not there

Girl: Pa

She turns to look at him only to see you right behind him

Girl: Pa!

The man turns around but you bite him on the arm, making him drop his gun. It goes off when it hits the stairs, shooting the girl in the head. Her body falls back to the wall and slides down, leaving a trail of blood. You finish up with the man then suddenly fall down the stairs. The bullets really did a number on you. One way of healing faster was when you feed. You didn't have time for that from all the noise everyone made, you knew someone would eventually come so you grabbed one of the bodies and use all of your strength to run out and away from the cabin. Moments later, Jeremy was the one who shows up, seeing another massacre. Blood, bullets, and bodies everywhere

Jeremy: My god

He starts surveying the room to guess how it all went down. He sees bullets on the floor then looks at the torn up bodies. He shakes his head

Jeremy: None of you had a chance

He walks around more

Man: Help

Jeremy quickly turns around and he sees the man on the stairs in pain. He was barely alive from his body being torn open

Man: she...

Jeremy remembers seeing a woman on his way over but then turns around and sees a younger girl by the window. The man sees her once Jeremy looked back and starts crying

Jeremy: I'm sorry about your daughter and your family. What happened here?

Man: That... beast did this... It's all their fault for... creating it. They dragged... my family in it. We... wanted to watch the creature burn... so the rest could come...

Jeremy: Why?

Man: We were... ready this time. She's... the first to fully transform... without dying...She... leads them. They would have been...weak without her. We could have...we could have... made them extinct like they're supposed be...

He closes his eyes and stops breathing. Jeremy closes his eyes and looks down

Jeremy: I promise she'll pay for this

He opens his eyes and stands up

Jeremy: Now; how do I find you?

Three hours later...

You were back in your safe spot, the waterfall. You were back in your human form. You were having your little nightmare each time you fell asleep

Alpha: We will get out of this

You: Make the pain stop

Alpha: They will all die for what they did to us

You: I can't take it anymore!

You scream and hit the wall in your cell

Alpha: No one will ever hurt you again I promise

You: No more... I can't...

Doctor: Just one more test

Alpha: I love you

You: They will all die for this. They will know our pain

Screams echo the room. Fire burning through the walls


You wake up gasping and groaning. The bullets were out of you but you still felt the affects of them. You turn to your stomach and see the many bullets circling you

You: Bastards

You catch your breath then slowly pick yourself up then go over to a mirror where you see yourself covered in blood. You also had bullet scars all over you

You: That's just great. I just got these damn clothes to

You walk out of the cave and go over to the pool of water where you go in with your clothes on and start cleaning the blood off you

You: They're all gone now

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