Chapter 49: My Story Part Two

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Everyone took a little break before you continued your story. They were all upstairs except Elena

You: I'm guessing you have something to say?

She looks at you

Elena: I wanted to thank you

You get a shocked look

Elena: Cut it out

You: And what are you thanking me for?

Elena: For getting the antidote for Clay,  saving Peter's life, and saving Jeremy's.  You could have walked away and let them die and I'm glad you didn't

You: Your welcome Elena

She nods then leaves. You felt your heart get warm. You were starting to get them in your good side

Minutes Later...

Everyone was sitting down at the same spot as before

You: Alright I talked about the good

You take a deep breath while closing your eyes

You: Now it's time to talk about the bad. The day that I became this

A couple of years later...

You were filing out an application for voluntary work. It was to test out some "research" at a facility. You and others who made top students were the only ones able to go from your expertise

You: The shitty part about that application was that we were giving ourselves up to them up to become their lab rats. We didn't know that once we turned in those papers that they'd come for us later on. Him and I had gotten a place with a couple of friends from class. While they were out, I stayed home to do my research

You were taking notes when suddenly you fell a hand cover your mouth. Before you could even react, you feel something sharp go in your neck. You felt numb and dizzy and before you know it, you pass out. You wake up to darkness. Your hands were tied behind your back and you were in a moving vehicle. You could hear someone crying across from you while hearing groans next to you

You: When it stopped moving, we were dragged out. I remember hearing a voice in a intercom thanking us for volunteering in their research and we'll be taking care of

You make a fist then punch the floor. Everyone's eyes get wide. You stand then pace around the cell

You: "You'll be fed"

You kick your backpack

Jeremy: Take it easy there

You: "You'll have comfort"

You stomp on the broken bench, making a dent in it

Jeremy: Mutt I'm serious, relax

Clay walks over to the other side of the cell to get the gun

You: "And you'll have access to our recess quarters" Lying bastards

You pick the bench up and put it up against the wall

You: Food that taste like plastic

You punch the bench

You: Beds that felt like you were lying on a rock with a thin blanket and a hard pillow

You punch it again

You: No privacy especially taking a shower while a guard watched you

You punch it once more

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