Ch54 how it all started

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She leaned back with her head tilted with a hum, amongst the many people she faced she had never heard of such breathing.

"Unfortunately I have never heard of a breathing by that name"

He gasped in shock flailing his arms around as he tried to say something.


"Are you sure it goes by that name?"

Ayame interrupted, giving him the words for his next sentence.

"To be honest I'm not completely sure either, but it's what my father called it"

They were both at a loss without finding out exactly what it is it was nearly impossible for ayame to help him.

"Then do you mind showing me those techniques of yours?"

She said standing up walking towards the other end of the vast room, if they couldn't determine it by name the only way she could discover what it was is by seeing it, and luckily enough the room was wide enough for a bit of action.

"Eh?!? Right here?"

Tanjiro asked still sitting down besides the table.

"Yes is there a problem?"

"Ah no it's just I don't have a katana with me right now and I become immobile after using it"

"That won't be a problem after all you don't have any missions right now right? And as for a weapon..."

She looked down tapping her fan on her chin, her lips formed a gap as she came up with an idea. She held her fan in her mouth while she rolled up the sleeve of her kimono exposing her forearm, taking her fan back she created a deep enough cut to draw some blood.

"EHHHHH? A-ayame san?"

He stood on one knee with a worried expression, but it was quickly replaced with an expression of shock as the dripping flood solidified into a katana imitation.

"That should do it, here Tanjiro"

She said tossing it towards him. Tanjiro reached his arms out carefully catching it in his arms. He held it up with an amazed look as he giggled with a smile at ayame.

"That's incredible ayame -san! It looks just like a normal katana, is this your Kekkijutsu ?"

"Well something like that, now whenever you're ready"


He stood up and took his stance taking in a deep breath through his mouth, he gazed back towards ayame with a determined look.

"Here I go ayame san"

Ayame nodded as she flicked her fan open signaling she was ready to receive his attacks, pushing himself forward he charged towards ayame unleashing a sequence of forms. After a few forms her eyebrows downturned as she couldn't recognize any of them, she continued to receive his forms until he unleashed the last one.

 After a few forms her eyebrows downturned as she couldn't recognize any of them, she continued to receive his forms until he unleashed the last one

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