Ch96 slipped away rr

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He said confused and just then ayame lifted her head up with a apologetic smile and tears In her eyes.

"I'm sorry kyojuro, goodbye"

His eyes widened as the sound of a biwa rang and two fusama slides opened from under ayame, and before he could register what was happening a demonic tentacle made out of flesh harshly grasped around ayame's upper body up into the air as she winced with her head pushed down by the gravity.

And just as fast the arm retracted itself back inside the fusama slides taking ayame with it, after hitting the ground kyojuro instantly pulled himself up and dashed towards ayame as she was being pulled down with a arm reached out.


He screamed stretching his arm out as far as he can he tried to grab onto ayame's arm that was barely visible through the flesh, missing it by a few millimeters as the fusama closed shut. Disappearing along with ayame and all that was left of her was the bell that was snapped off by the fusama, it felt like the world as he knew it started to crumble and an expression of denial and despair stood upon his pale face.

Clenching his teeth he banged his fists into the ground screaming a heart wrenching scream, his soul begged for this to only be a nightmare and when he woke up he would see ayame sleeping soundly besides him, but the harsh reality broke in when he could feel the pain of his bleeding fist from his iron clench.

Ayame side

She was hung upside down in the middle of the infinity fortress hung like a slaughtered animal in a slaughter house, she felt the pressure around her body increase with the flesh squirming tighter around her. It felt as if her ribs and organs were slowly being crushed, but was it truly just a feeling?

Blood spilled out of her mouth as ayame dug her claws into the flesh of the tentacles with the arms that she was able to wiggle out in between the two layers of flesh around her body, slowly ripping streaks down in attempt to free herself another strike of a biwa sounded.

"Did you enjoy your extended time my dear?"


The dark clouds washed over the land, showering its cold drops of rain as if heaven was crying for a single pitiful man that stood under it.

Like a blown out flame he stood in silence watching the decapitated demon slowly fade away, he looked up to the starless sky feeling the rapid thumps of water on his face

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Like a blown out flame he stood in silence watching the decapitated demon slowly fade away, he looked up to the starless sky feeling the rapid thumps of water on his face.

Flash back

"Huuh ?!? What do you mean she was taken away? Are you fucking with me?"

Sanemi grabbed kyojuro by the collar in a fit of rage as he stared down at him with a fist barred, an emergency meeting was held the moment kyojuro came back and the news he brought devastated everyone.

"Shinazugawa san please calm yourself and let go of Rengoku san you're hurting him"

Mitsuri said trying to break the two apart, but Kyojuro's state wasn't much help to her. The energetic light in his eyes had dimmed, with only guilt and regret lingering with his head hung back.

"Calm down?!? You're really saying that in this situation? If that woman spills everything the whole corps is doomed, we should've killed her the moment that fucker kibutsuji found out about her!"

"I believe everyone here that is close to Akami san knows that wouldn't happen, we don't know exactly what is happening to her and what muzan is capable off but I have trust that she wouldn't do anything to put us in danger"

Shinobu interjected with a serious expression, but also one that had faith in ayame.

"Kocho is right, since before she came to the corps not once has she inquired me about the corps, nor leak any information because if she did I doubt any of us would be safe, I'll take responsibility for this and I'll make sure to bring her back if it's the last thing I do"

Present day kyojuro POV

Even though I had said that, a year had already passed with no signs of aya. The lingering spell that she left on the hair tie I wore disappeared not long after as well, and with how things are going and as much as I hate to admit it I'm not even sure if she is alive.

A sudden sharp pierce struck me as I thought that, "no I'm sure she's alive", slapping my cheeks I felt the leftover warm sting help wake me up. There is no point in being discouraged, if I do I will only be loosing to muzan. Taking in a deep breath I filled my lungs up to the brim before exhaling all in one go.

This never ending loneliness and worry, is slowly breaking me down and I'm beginning to feel tired. My legs growing heavier and heavier every step I go, you were like the moon that lit up my world and without you I'm left walking blinded in the dark night.

looking forwards I saw a vision of Aya walking in the distance beautifully under the shade of her wagasa, reaching out a hand I yearned for that vision to become a reality only for it to be struck down by the passing breeze. How many more days, how many more nights, do I have to spend waiting for you alone?

Taking out Ayas bell I always kept near, I held it tight in the palm of my hand with the severed red string I tried so hard to fix hanging on the side. Clenching my jaw tight in frustration, I felt like a bomb ready to burst at any second, that is until I felt something in the far distance.


Shifting my attention to the cliff that was just barely visible in the horizon beside me, I felt aya's presence even if it was for a split second. But only disappointment followed when I saw nothing there, has it been so long that I've started to Hallucinate?

And maybe because of it I suddenly felt an powerful drowsiness overcome me, I decided to take a short break by the side of the road before dragging my feet forward back towards the corps.

You always said I was warm but why do I feel so cold without you? I muttered as I leaned against a tree looking up to the sky with my slowly closing eyelids.

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