Ch99 a clairvoyant sight rr

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Stepping onto the rocky garden with the sound of a clack from the pebbles rubbing together under his foot, he was surprised to see a familiar face waiting there as well.

"It's a surprise to see you here young kamado! Have you been called here too?"

Kyojuro asked approaching the boy with folded arms, Tanjiro turned around with a bright smile greeting kyojuro as he looked up to him.

"Yes! I was told that I would be going on a joined mission with one of the hashiras, I'm glad that'll get to go on a mission with you again Rengoku san!"

"Yes! Likewise, let us head in now shall we? We shouldn't keep Oyakata sama waiting"

Walking through the same halls he had saw many times, and the same tatami floor he had walked upon they arrived at the room of ubuyashiki kagaya. Within a moment the fusama slid open and on the other side sat a man heavily bandaged, they both sat down seiza style besides each other with their utmost respect.

"Thank you for coming tanjiro, kyojuro, I apologize for having to receive you in this state"

"No there is nothing to apologize for oyakata sama"

Kyojuro replied. Kagaya smiled his soothing smile.

"I'm glad to see you're feeling better kyojuro"

"Yes sorry for worry you"

"Now then shall we get to the topic at hand? The reason I called for you and tanjiro specifically is because I would like you two to look for tamayo san, whom you're acquainted with correct tanjiro?"

"Y-yes! But may I ask why you are searching for her?"

"Well, I would like her to help us in defeating kibutsuji muzan, she will be working with shinobu and there is something only she can help with happening in the near future"

His eyes narrowed as both kyojuro and tanjiro stared in silence, his voice is still as calming as always but with the slight difference as he said that last sentence. Those who were closely associated with ubuyashiki specifically the hashira, all believed he had an ability of clairvoyance. As unbelievable as it may seem, there had been countless times where his words about the future have came true, and he always said them with confidence.

With complete trust in their leader they didn't question it any further, and waited in silence for their next move.

"I have already located tamayo san, but I thought it would be better to send you tanjiro whom she knows and trusts to ask and escort her if she agrees, I'm sure there will be some questions you would like to ask her regarding Ayame san as well kyojuro"

Kyojuro's eyes rounded at the sound of her name, the name tamayo was unfamiliar to him but what surprised him the most was that she is related with ayame,

"Oyakata sama if you don't mind me asking, who is this remarkable woman?"

"Tamayo san is a demon much like Ayame san, tamayo is one of the demons whom escaped from kibutsuji muzan, and she is currently developing a drug to turn back demons into humans"

Kyojuro's eyes grew even wider bewildered at what he had just heard, "turning demons back into humans? Is that really possible? If so maybe just maybe Aya could..." he thought.

"I see that is truly noble!"

"Indeed it is, I will have tanjiro explain the rest, I'm sure he knows more than I"

Kagaya then gave them the instruction and the location of where tamayo was now living, and since the sun was still high they decided to move immediately.

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