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Kyojuro POV

I waited outside while kakushi's swarmed by ayame's side, watching as they went in with clean hinoki bowls of water, and exited with ones that were dyed in red. At this point I didn't know what to think, since a few days ago her body began getting progressively worse.

Tamayo's words especially struck me, when time she came to check up on ayame during the first days her symptoms got worse.

"It's strange, at her current condition, it's seems as though she had given up, ayame should be able to survive it if her body had more strength to fight, but that is not the case, she has very little power left and because of it she's on the brink of death"

After hearing that I was completely speechless, deep down I sympathized with her and I knew it would be best for her if she chose it, but I'm also a selfish man I want her to stay for me.

I headed back inside the room, with the rustling sounds of the shoji closing behind me, taking away the remaining light from outside that shined into this dark night filled room. I laid down besides her futon with an arm under my head, watching her eyes peacefully shut I wondered if I will ever be able to see their hues again.

 I laid down besides her futon with an arm under my head, watching her eyes peacefully shut I wondered if I will ever be able to see their hues again

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I held desperately onto her hand, like a welded on chain as I slid our engagement ring back on her finger.

If there's nothing to live for, live for me, live for the days we spent together, live for the sake of being able to see a future where we can finally be a family, live for the smiles we shared even if yours were fake, live...for whatever reason that will push you to go on, even if it's for a future that doesn't include me, as long as you live I'll be satisfied.

I quietly chanted like a bedtime story, hoping that my prayers will lead to wherever she is, and somewhere along the line my eyes too came to a close.

Ayame POV

I felt a small hand grasp desperately onto my shoulder, pulling me away from the clutches of the flames. Turning me around I saw a small woman with big fierce red eyes, holding onto the sides of my arms as we fell a ways from the flames, back to where I had originally started boarderd between the two paths.

"I'm glad I was able to make it in time, it's a pleasure to finally meet you"

A sweet and elegant voice rang from the woman with a sigh, I turned my head up to meet the woman's gaze with widening eyes as i saw a familiar bright and gentle gaze upon the unfamiliar woman.

"Who...are you, and how do you know me?"

I stuttered having a slight hunch at whom this woman might be.

"I'm Rengoku ruka, kyojuro and Senjuro's mother, I have been watching over you all this whole time"

My eyes narrowed down as a feeling of numbness and relief washed over me, it was like I had finally been released from all rules and boundaries of my life.

"I see, that means I really am dead"

I chuckled quietly until I felt her take me into her embrace. It's a warm and loving hug of a mother, gently soothing over my soul as I hugged her back.

"You would be if you had walked any further from where I stopped you, where we are right now is the boarder between heaven and hell, and also the place where souls appear once they near death, are you really going to give up like this? Akami ayame"

She stared straight into my eyes with a earnest gaze, a deep gaze prying open into me, and because of it I couldn't dare to lie to her.

"Would it be bad if I said I did? After doing this for thousands of years, I've grown tired, I don't wish to harm people anymore, or have to constantly calculate my every move, I just... want to rest and be free, it's for the best anyway, at least now muzan won't be able to use me to commit any more crimes"

I with a wistful smile I held my head down, I didn't have the ability to face her and seeing her disappointed expression would only make me waver more. Though deep down I did wish to return, to return back to Kyojuro's side back to the warm flame that kept me warm in the coldest of winters.

"I must be a horrible daughter in law aren't I?"

I whispered.

"No, and I also don't believe you're a weak one either, you've been able to push through all your troubles so far and still help out those who are weaker, and I know you have the strength to be able to continue, and for that I couldn't be more proud"

My head turned up instinctively, and unlike her strict and stoic expression before she now had a tender smile. Shock crossed my face, followed by a warm feeling in my eyes as tears started to stream down, I began to sniffle and sob like a child and it was out of my control. Is it because I did not posses a body in this state?

Covering my face with the palms of my hands, I felt the shape of my soul change again, and this time it felt as if I was completely human once again.

"I'll stay here with you for as long as you need, savour this moment of ease, and once you have fully rested go back stronger than before, but hopefully you don't take too long because I doubt that son of mine can wait"

"Yes, thank you ruka san"


I slowly regained the feeling in my limbs as I awoke from what felt like an eternity. I could no longer feel that wretched feeling of muzans cells running inside me, and my mind seems to have been refreshed, "I'm finally back in control" I thought.

My whole body felt weak and limp along with something foreign, but I could not quite pinpoint what it was. I struggled to get up, it felt like the blankets covering me were as heavy as stone, and once I neared to a sitting position I heard a low groan beside me.

Blinking I turned my eyes to the side and there a saw kyojuro, soundly asleep with a hand tightly grasping onto mine. I could feel my lips quirked up, but the they were almost instantly replaced as I noticed that ink like demon mark was no longer engraved onto me.

I faced back down towards my lap staring into my free left hand, and I raised that same hand up to touch my forehead expecting to feel my horns, but nothing was there and I only felt the skin of my forehead. Tears dropped down as I raised my chin up looking down the room feeling thankful that I had become at least a bit more human than before.

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