Chapter twenty-five

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The days go by fast and the wedding week is here. Dicle doesn't know how she truly feels about it since she didn't have much time to think between the building of the agency and the drama with Ego.

"I should be getting paid from both of you." Meral says and brings Dicle a pack of papers.

"It's you choice to help me as a friend, so no payment for charity. I'm your boss now." Dicle says and laughs.

"You are lucky feel guilty for kicking you out of the house every two days..." Meral whispers.

"Hmm? What?" Dicle asks even though she heard everything.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing." Her friend says and sits in one of the chairs. "Did you find someone to handle the reception?"

"Still looking." Dicle says without taking her eyes from the screen in front of her. "Do you have someone in mind?" she asks still typing the e-mail she needs to send.

"Well.... You need someone trust worthy... Someone you know..."

"You are my assistant Meral. You can't be in two places at once."

"Yeah, I know. That's why I thought of Aydin...." She trails her voice and her finger over the glass desk.

Dicle raises her eyebrows in suspicion. She sends the mail and closes the laptop. "Aydin huh? I don't know. We were thinking that we need a girl for this position. It's better for the eyes to see a friendly and sweet face when you come in, don't you think?"

"But he is all that, except of being a girl of course." Meral says defending him.

"Is there something you want to tell me Meral?" Dicle asks with a smile.

"Nope. Nothing. My work here is done." Her best friend says and she runs away leaving Dicle behind her, laughing.

Baris had night shooting that day so after she's done from the office she decides to visit him on set. They are in the middle of the scene when she arrives and she decides to surprise him in his trailer.

She almost fell asleep on the couch while waiting for him to finish but then she hears his voice. Baris doesn't see her at first. He steps in his trailer huffing and puffing without looking around.

"Rough night?" She asks and he jumps. "Hey! I managed to startle you for once." She says with a laugh but he's in a bad mood.

He doesn't say a word, he just walk over to where she is sitting and lays his head on her lap.

"Can we not talk for a moment? I just want peace and quiet." He says and hugs her knees.

"Sure thing." Dicle responds and tangles her fingers in his hair knowing that this calms him down.

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