Chapter thirty-six

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For the next three months Baris had been going back and forth to Istanbul. The only time he managed to stay for more than three days was the week that Feris gave birth to Umut.

Dicle after the first difficult months with morning sickness and some dizziness, was doing fine. Leyla dropped everything and decided to stay with her daughter for a while as well. She was mostly helping with the wedding things cause Dicle refused to stop working even when she was feeling sick.

Their wedding was nothing big. Just their close family and friends in a small and really cozy ceremony one evening of May. Paparazzi were asking either Baris or Dicle about it but they only confirmed it after it happened along with the pregnancy news.

Baris came home, and decided to take only local projects for some time at least, when Dicle was almost six months pregnant. Sometimes he was up all night looking on the internet how to baby proof the whole house. Some other Dicle wouldn't let him sleep cause the baby was kicking and since she wasn't sleeping he wouldn't sleep either, it was her rule and he had to follow it.

Months went by fast. Dicle after she entered the eighth month of her pregnancy she took her leave, so Feris and Cinar were dealing with her clients this time.

Baris had different offers for winter shows but he went with a summer one for this season since he already had a movie planned for next year.

One day Dicle was feeling restless at home and she decided to visit Baris on set. It was on a beach and the moment she arrived everyone started to taking care of her instead of the actors. At one point she started feeling weird, a pressure she hadn't experienced before. After a while she figured out that her water broke and she was giving birth.

They had decided that they won't learn their baby's sex but Baris was sure that it will be a girl. So now Dicle has to deal with a panicked Baris who doesn't know what to do but at the same time grateful that he was next to her.

About eight hours later their girl, Gunes, came to the world.

Four years later

"Mooommmm can we go with Arya to the pool?" Gunes asks as she runs to Dicle.

It is her fourth birthday in a really warm summer day. The moment Arya met Gunes she fell in love with her. It's not like she didn't love her brother but she wanted a sister. And that's how they would be for the rest of their lives. Poor Umut was stuck with them and what was making him angry is that even though he has the same age as Gunes he's shorter than her.

"You do know that you girls have to be ready in three hours right?" Dicle says as she cuddles her one year old Gece in her arms.

"Oh come on aunt. We will manage it." Arya interferes and smiles.

"You little devil..." Dicle says and messes with Arya's ponytail as she tries to run away. "One hour. Then your dad and the cake will come. Go before I regret it." Dicle says and the girls scream happily as they run away.

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