Chapter twenty - nine

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She doesn't remember much to be honest. After she saw Kirac's face everything blacked out. She could hear Baris calling out her name desperately, how Feris was rubbing her hands, Serkan trying to call a doctor till he realized that one of the parents at the party was a doctor.

But she couldn't react to any of it. She wanted to reach out to Baris to tell him that she's ok but all her mind could think was her father's face. How her name sounded from his lips. She was literally lost in her own mind.

The doctor all this time was trying to calm the people around him down.

"It's probably from a shock or something. Physiologically everything seems fine." The poor man says trying to be heard over the rain of questions he was receiving.

"But why isn't she waking up?" Baris asks as he keeps stroking her curls out of her face. He was sitting on the grass and Dicle was lying unconscious on his lap.

"Cause sometimes brain needs to rest and process what's happening. I promise you if she doesn't open her eyes soon I'll get her to the hospital." The doctor says and leans closer to Baris. "Any chance she's pregnant and you guys don't want to say it yet?" He whispers.

"Hmm? No, no nothing like that. I would be calmer if I knew the reason of this." Baris says and kisses her forehead.

"Come and find me when she actually is to tell me that." The doctor chuckles and pats Baris's shoulder. Dicle opens her eyes slowly and she closes them again.

"There she is." The man says and Baris looks down to find her looking at him.

"You are ok." He says and he feels oxygen filling his lungs again.

"Where are we?" She asks and tries to get up but she feels dizzy so she lies her head back down on Baris's things.

"Take it easy baby," he says and holds her steady, "We are still at the party. Technically." He tells her since he had moved her to his car outside of the park the party was being held.

"Is he still here?" Dicle asks and Baris looks around.

"Who my life? Serkan and Feris were there but they had to go back to Arya." She tries to get up and this time she manages to sit next to him.

"Was it a dream?" She wonders. "It would make sense..." She continues.

"Ok now you are officially scaring me." Baris says and looks at the doctor. "Is she ok?"

"She looks fine." The man says and kneels down again to check on Dicle.

"As I suspected. She's fine. If you need me call me but she's out of the woods. Noe if you'll excuse me I have to go back to my kid." The doctor says and after handing Baris his contact card, leaves.

He wraps his arms around Dicle and she leans her head on his shoulder.

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