Chapter thirty

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It was a mess to say the least. Leyla dragged Kirac in Dicle's office and closed the door behind them by saying to their daughter "You stay away."

So one hour later Dicle is still walking up and down the corridor when she's not trying to eardrops. Feris and Cinar had returned to their own offices to work and Baris has pulled a chair from the lounge room and he's eating his popcorn, literally.

"Can you calm down?" Baris says relaxed.

"How can you be this calm? Like if your father was here now..." She starts saying but she stops. She looks at him and she sees his face dropping immediately. She runs to him and sits on his lap. Her hands framing his face.

"I'm so sorry baby. I shouldn't have said that." Dicle says but he still doesn't look at her. His eyes are focused on his popcorn like it contains all the answers in this life.

"Baris please." She says again. She starts feeling more and more guilty. And then he looks up and he smiles at her.

"You dumbass." She says and hits him in his chest. He laughs now.

"I couldn't resist I'm sorry." He says and kisses her nose. "But I distracted you, you have to admit that." He continues.

"Don't. Do. This. Again." She whispers angrily but a smile is starting to form in her face.

"Look, I know that you are worried. But this has nothing to do with you. This is something they have to sort out themselves. Both of them moved on and the only thing they have in common is you. And you are way too adorable and sweet for them not to reach an agreement because of you, ok?" He says.

"I don't know what I have done to deserve you to be honest." She says and relays her forehead against his.

"Right back at you." He says and cups her cheek. His lips are getting closer and closer to hers when he whispers "You know..." he says and bites her lower lip "...It just occurred to me that we haven't christened this place yet..." he leaves a trail of small kisses all over her jaw and neckline. She raises her head to give him more space.

"And you truly think that now it's the perfect timing?" She asks but she doesn't move away from him.

"Anything I can do to distract you ma'am. Trust me, I don't get any pleasure out of this." He smirks over her collarbone before he kisses it.

"Yeah I can tell..." She responds almost breathless.

"If only..." He says over her skin but she grabs his face and kisses him. All the frustration she'd been feeling, every single ounce of desperation and anxiety on that kiss. She saw it as a way out of everything that she was feeling for the past days.     

And then they hear someone clearing his throat.

"I mean I saw that you were close but I didn't realize it was that close." Kirac says and Baris jumps so fast that both Dicle and the popcorn that was in his legs almost fell on the floor.

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