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The time: 4 PM.

The place: A crowded café.

Enma, one of the the managers of the world's greatest superhero agency, was surprised. The invitation of her boss let her here. She came back from a secret mission only one day prior and thought that her meetup with the President would be in the secret headquarters and not in some open place where customers came and went every second. But nonetheless, she had a job to do.

The café was neither small nor big, while the hot summer sun shone through the countless windows. Enma gazed concentrated with her red eyes through the crowded mass to find her boss. The President did not sat in a corner, but, to her renewed surprise, at a table with two chairs in the exact center of the establishment instead.

The President, a young man dressed in a dark suit, ate a fluffy looking cheesecake. Enma approached him with caution, still thinking to be on her dangerous mission that had send her around the globe and beyond.

Her boss looked up from his sweet dessert. Before him stood a stern woman, dressed in a white shirt combined with a black skirt and glasses. Under her arm were five folders. The collected data.

"Sir," Enma said, "it is an honor that you meet me in person."

"Please," the President replied while pointing to the empty seat in front of him, "sit down and order what you want! It is at the expense of the company."

The woman with the red and black hair looked from left to right. "Sir, is this really the right place to discuss such a grave topic?"

The President smiled. "An old proverb states, that the shadows are the darkest right under the lantern's light." He looked at his cake. "And how could I say 'no' to such a culinary delight?"

Enma nodded, sat down and spread the folders on her side of the table. "Here are my selected candidates for the...."

"Wait a moment!" The President interrupted her and talked with a waiter instead. "Excuse me, I would order two more coffees please. One with milk and sugar and the other one black." He looked back to his employee. "I'm sorry, you were saying?"

The manager was perplexed and needed a couple of seconds to collect her thoughts. "I was saying.... I found five new candidates. These folders here contain their dossiers."

But before the President got the chance to take a look, the ordered coffee was brought to the table, which he drank with great pleasure.

"You should drink yours too," he said to his employee.

"Sir, is this all really necessary?"

Another smile. "You were on a mission for over four months. Do you not think that you deserve a little break?"

Enma accepted with a silent nod and took a sip.

"Then tell me, who exactly are the candidates?"

While his manager explained, the President simultaneously read the documents. "First on the list is Mori Calliope. An underground rapper and the Grimm Reaper's first apprentice."

"Okay," her boss said with a smile, "first on list is Death herself. I'm listening."

"Second on the list is Takanashi Kiara...."

"The CEO of KFP? The world's greatest fast food chain? You are sure that she would help our cause?"

"Trust me, she will," his manager affirmed. "Third on the list is Watson Amelia. A time travelling ace detective."

"I heard of her. She is one of the best, if not the best detective in the field."

"Our fourth person of interest is an artist called Ninomae Ina'nis. A young woman versed in eldritch magic."

"Eldritch magic?" The President seemed skeptical. "You mean the arcane craft of tentacles? That kind of magic?"

"Her power is astonishing. I saw it with my own eyes multiple times," Enma replied. "The last person on the list is Gawr Gura. She is a descendent of the sunken city of Atlantis."

"She must be millenniums old." The President finished his sweet coffee. "So, we have a reaper, a phoenix, a time traveler, an eldritch magician and an Atlantean.... Those are all bearers of great powers. Do you really think that they are the right persons to challenge Him?"

"I know that this list sounds a bit overkill, but we lost three of our newest talents to this monster. He is a strong mythical. In assembling a team of mythicals with equal powers, we can fight fire with fire."

The President started thinking. "And you are sure that they will get along with each other?"

As he expected, his manager nodded.

"Then I'm deeply sorry to tell you this Enma, but your new mission, the assembling of said team, starts tomorrow at 600! Until then, please enjoy your free time!"

"Thank you sir and I promise you, I will not let you down."

"I know." Her chef finished his cake. "Then by tomorrow morning, the HoloMyth Initiative begins."

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