Chapter 5 - Disassemble the Myth

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Inside a small and dimly lighted interrogation room sat the janitor of Hololive's headquarter, Vic. The interior consisted only of two chairs and a table. Vic was led to this dreary room after Enma and Jenma found out that he was the company spy working for Avarice Corp.

Behind a fake mirror were the managers of HoloMyth. There, they discussed how to properly interrogate the fiend who fed their enemy with information.

"I could break his arm," was another one of J-chad's suggestions.

Jenma sighed annoyed. "No, you can't. You can't break his arm nor his leg and you can't punch him until he talks either!"

The muscular manager was visibly disappointed.

"I told you before," Enma said with hidden intentions, "I will take it from here. I know multiple perfectly harmless interrogation methods."

"Why do you want to talk with that scumbag alone so badly?" The short manager got suspicious.

"Well.... you see...."

Enma was thankfully interrupted by the HoloMyth idols who stormed into the room.

Kiara, dressed in her white shirt-blue jeans-combination, spoke first. "Sorry that we couldn't be here any sooner."

"How.... who told you that we've got the spy?", Jenma remarked slightly angry.

"J-chad told me," Calli explained, dressed in her black and red gym suit. "And I told the others."

Enma and Jenma looked at their colleague with raised eyebrows.

"What's the problem?", the muscular manager asked confused. "They're the ones who'll bring Midas down. They have the right to know."

"Well, I guess so," the cold manager said. "Wait a minute!" Enma started counting the idols. "1, 2, 3, 4.... Where is Miss Watson?"

Gura, who wore a blue dress with tied hair, answered while pointing at the fake mirror. "Ame is interrogating the suspect."

"You've got to be kidding me!" Jenma left the room in a hurry.

Enma and J-chad followed her with Kiara, Calli, Ina and Gura right behind them.

Dressed in a casual white shirt, with black skirt and glasses, interrogated Ame the suspect who remained silent up to this point.

"What are you doing?", Jenma said like spitting poison at the ace detective.

"Doing your job," Ame answered similarly snappy. "Now tell me!" She looked back at the green wearing janitor. "What is it that Midas wants?"

Vic turned his head to Enma and Ina. Latter wore her black dress combined with glasses and a beret. The janitor smiled. But it was not a happy smile. It was a downright dirty smile, because the spy knew something only the cold manager and the eldritch priestess were supposed to know.

Enma and Ina looked away from him in response.

"Tell me," Vic said directly to both. "How does it feel to lie to his friends for so long?"

"What are you talking about?", Kiara asked.

"Yes," Jenma added while gazing at her cold colleague, "what is he talking about!"

But before the cold manager had a chance to answer, Ina did it for her. "Enma and I know about Midas' ultimate goal."

A heavy silence dominated the room.

"And you didn't told us before why?" Ame started to interrogate her friends instead.

Enma took the word. "We could not risk talking about it as long as the company spy was out there."

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