Chapter 2 - Become the Myth

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Up until now, the team trained in secret for over half a month. Three to five times a week, Calli, Kiara, Ame, Ina and Gura refined their powers under Enma's disciplined supervision. The new candidates trained separately or collectively, to learn to fight alone or together respectively.

The wrecked, molten, pulverized, squished and moist scraps of countless training robot-replicas of a certain Hololive hero adorned the gym floor every day they trained. Enma was surprised how fast the new superhero talents made progress. Her hope to finally stop Him began to blossom like a field of flowers in spring.

Another day of training came to an end and the future heroes were released in their evening. To grow as a group, the five girls decided to spend more time together. For this day, they planed to go to the mall.

While leaving the underground complex, the group of five encountered Vic the janitor who sometimes watched their training. He was not a man of many words and mostly stared silently at the candidates. Like he did right now.

While the girls passed Vic at their way out, he stopped in his way and looked at them. Without even moving a muscle in his face, he eyed them one by one, until they all passed him and left the underground via elevator. The janitor smiled, for he eavesdrop on them before.

Vic had to make an important phone call. His boss surely wanted to know where his enemies were going.

The city's mall was a big place filled with many stores and places to spend ones time in. Dressed not in her dress but gym suit instead, Calli lead the group to their first destination. Awkwardly close to her was Kiara, dressed in a white shirt and blue jeans. The reaper began to ignore the phoenix's behavior most of the time, as soon as she found out that Kiara wouldn't stop flirting with her.

Right behind them was Ame, dressed in a white shirt, combined with a black skirt and glasses. Gura also wore something more convenient for an evening at the mall. A blue, shark-jaw-patterend dress with a similar looking purse. Only Ina wore her black dress with beret, also black crest and glasses as usual.

First stop was a music store. Calli died to finally browse through some new singles of her not so successful colleagues in the music branch. To her surprise, the shopkeeper recognized her and attracted the attention of other visitors. Soon, all costumers assembled themselves around Calli and asked for photos, autographs and about the rap queen's new friends. After the spontaneous autograph session came to an end, the group finally had the chance to browse through some music. Calli herself left with two new albums.

Kiara did not want to go somewhere special. That is why the second stop was the mall's KFP takeaway. The CEO of one, if not the most successful fast food chain wanted to look after her employees and was shocked of what she saw. A long line of inpatient costumers stood in front of a shy cashier. The round bird with white plumage, who was dressed in an orange KFP uniform, stared blushing at the ground. He seemed nervous, but Kiara, as the great boss she was, knew how to motivate her workers.

The phoenix passed the line and placed herself beside an angry woman who finally got her order. For the first time on this day, the cashier lifted his eyes, only to see his gently smiling chef.

"B.... b.... b.... boss," the round bird mumbled, "why.... why are you.... here?"

"I just wanted to see how things are going," Kiara said. "Maybe you can tell me why all the costumers have to wait so long for their food?"

"Well.... i.... it's.... it's because...."

"Yes? What's the problem?"

"Well.... I.... I am not so good.... in talking with.... others."

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