Chapter 4 - Announcing the Myth

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Today, was the day of HoloMyth's official announcement. Calli, Kiara, Ame, Ina and Gura stood behind an open air stage with a wide catwalk attached to it. Cheering fans waved with colorful glowsticks right under the clear day sky. Dressed in a black dress, orange and white uniform, brown coat, another black and also purple dress and blue hoody waited the newest idol-superheroes of Hololive nervously for their que.

"And it's finally time," the announcer said. "Let us cheer for our new protectors! Our superheroes of HoloMyth!"

The crowd rejoiced loudly. The five girls entered the stage one by one.

"Mori Calliope!", the announcer began.

The reaper let her eyes glow in an ominous red. The crowd loved the rap queen's bad ass attitude.

"Takanashi Kiara!", the announcer said next.

Burning wings appeared behind the phoenix, with which she soared over her fans before landing really close to Calli.

"Ninomae Ina'nis!"

The eldritch priestess waved blushing to the crowd. The audience loved her shyness.

"Watson Amelia!"

Ame began to cheer for herself as a joke with some gremlin-like noises. The audience laughed about the ace detective's shenanigans.

"And Gawr Gura!"

The shark girl shouted in a cute voice. "どうも、サメです。"

If the crowd could have died of cuteness, they would have in that exact moment.

Still standing behind the stage, were their managers. Enma, Jenma and J-chad were pleased how well their pupils did in the last weeks. They even managed to beat them in their last fight.

While the members of HoloMyth began to introduce themselves simultaneously for the crowd and livestream viewers at home, the managers kept an eye out for any kind of trouble. It was then, that Jenma saw something at the top of a near skyscraper.

Something shiny reflected the sunlight.

Three golden girls looked down to the stage. All three were send to kill the newest members of Hololive. Their boss wanted them gone and they had to do everything he wanted them to do.

And it was time to do Midas' bidding.

The feathered girl summoned her gigantic wings and flew herself and her friends down. The stitched and the sharp held on tightly. All three landed on the catwalk, opposite to their targets.

Enma, Jenma and J-chad rushed in front of the idols to guard them, only to froze in place entirely like struck by a frosty blizzard after seeing the enemies' faces.

"It.... it can not be," Enma said in shock.

"What happened to you?", Jenma asked confused.

"What did the bastard do to you?", J-chad shouted.

The enemies stood there silently without any expression in their gold covered faces.

A stitched zombie-girl with pigtails, ribbon and a torn dress: Kureiji Ollie.

A little girl with long hair and a dress, adorned with ribbons and gemstones: Anya Melfissa.

And a feathered girl with a long and elegant dress: Pavolia Reine.

Besides there golden coating, were all three tied up in also golden chains around their upper bodies.

While talking to them, Ame freed her managers from their shock. "Excuse me, but are they the lost idols?"

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