Chapter 7 - The Myth

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IRyS debut was held inside the concert hall of the Avarice Corporation headquarter. Inside a private lounge, Avaritia Midas poured the last bit of his best apple juice in an expensive glass. From here, he wanted to oversee the entire event and the cheering crowd in peace.

Midas spread rumors on his blog 'Stealing the truth'. Rumors about the sudden disappearance of the superhero-idols of HoloMyth. The greed-demon had not any evidence for his bold claim, but that did not matter for his readers who believed everything he said. Now, Hololive had a big PR problem. Luckily, Avarice Corp. had what the hopeless crowd needed.

A new idol.

The stage was still empty. The debut was another 15 minutes away, but the crowd already cheered in an unspeakable joy while illuminating the dark concert hall with colorful glowsticks. Midas was so close to be victories. Thankfully, the supervillains hardly win in such stories.

After they met up in front of the Avarice Corporation headquarter within Midas' private forest, the group of four superheroes teleported inside the concert hall, gathered something from behind the stage and teleported lastly inside the demon's private lounge above the crowd, all without being seen.

The greed-demon felt the reaper's presence and talked in an arrogant tone of voice. "I wasn't sure if you would pop up, rap queen. But I guess after I killed your fangirl, you want to take your revenge."

Midas took a last sip and turned around. After that, his heart skipped a beat. He did not just saw Calli, but also Kiara, Ina and Gura, all armed and ready with a scythe, a flaming sword and shield and a spell book. They wore the same clothes as in their last fight against him.

"This is....", Midas was not sure how to react, "....a surprise to be sure."

"Your time is over," Calli said.

"Give up," Kiara added, "or we'll make you."

The king of all greemons laughed. "After all I did to you and your lost friend, you still want to play superheroes?"

"Well," Ina determined, "we can't watch a villain like you win. That's what makes us superheroes."

"You think that makes you heroes?" Midas could not believe what he just heard. "Fighting against villains is not what a hero makes a hero."

"What else could it be?", Gura asked curious.

"The answer is simple. It's inspiration."

His enemies looked skeptical at him.

"You don't believe me? Well, let me explained before I will eradicate you from this world once and for all." The demon cleared his throat. "Superheroes fight against supervillains, that's true, but it's not the sole reason why you and your sorry friends are so popular. The people out there look at you with hopes and dreams in their hearts. Every time a hero saves the day, the people get inspired. Inspired to become their best selves and create a better tomorrow together with their oh so beloved protectors. And it's not just when you save the day. You also inspire the people with your songs, dances and jokes. This is the true power of you so called superhero-idols." He laughed diabolically. "I told you two days ago, that I made you famous, so I can destroy Hololive with your deaths. With my greatest rival in the entertaining business gone, my brainwashed IRyS will make me and my company to the entertaining monopoly in this world. The spotlight and all the people's hopes and dreams will be mine. So if you would be so kind, just die!" He conjured multiple golden chains out of his back.

But something strange happend. Midas' enemies were not afraid. No, they were smiling instead.

"What's so funny?", the bad guy asked angry.

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