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Avaritia Midas sat on the scorching ground of hell's fourth circle. The home of all greed-demons. The former king of all greemons watched a river out of molten gold while being dressed in tattered clothes and with only one horn left. His former army abandoned him, thus making Midas a lesser demon under the ranks of the golden ones. His plan in this realm failed, yes, but as all greed-demons say: 'There is an opportunity in every obstacle'. One day, Avaritia Midas would appear in another realm to make it his own.

After the big fight against Aavaritia Midas, the Avarice Corporation was dissolved and every company the greed-demon bought got their independence back. With the taker of the spotlight out of the picture, the world enjoyed a diversity of entertaining again.

The three managers of HoloMyth got one week of vacation, Enma, Jenma and J-chad really needed. Ollie, Reine and Anya on the other hand were back in business, while also IRyS and the five Goddesses Sauna, Fauna, Kronii, Mumei and Baelz in more human avatars became idols of Hololive themselves.

The five superhero-idols of HoloMyth went back to their everyday lives. Calliope Mori's heroic deeds brought her music sells through the roof. With an ever growing fanbase in both the realm of the dead and the living, the reaper prepared for multiple future concerts.

Kiara Fried Chicken became the most successful fast food chain in the world. The phoenix herself also opened up a second Phoenixton on a mesa, while spending evenings together with Calli from time to time.

Once her secret identity as an ace detective was revealed, Watson Amelia became a full time-time travelling superhero instead. Even though she was not the hero the world wanted, the little gremlin was the hero the world needed.

Now being in the spotlight, Ninomae Ina'nis' paintings received public attention. Soon, the eldritch priestess was a well-known artist, visiting multiple art exhibitions per month.

As for Gawr Gura, she finally got something she wanted since her training under Hololive began. A tasty meal the shark-girl could enjoy in peace. What a delicious pizza with extra cheese it was.

But even though Avaritia Midas was gone, their work as idol-superheroes just began. They were many more supervillains out there, all ready to be beaten by the inspiring heroes of HoloMyth.

The End?

This fanfiction is dedicated to my personal heroes who inspired me in a hard time.

Thank you HoloMyth.

And thank YOU for reading.

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