chapter 1

144 7 1

Date : 22 / 8 / 21

Venue: The entrance of Horizon Highschool

River could feel the thumping of his heart getting louder and faster by each passing second . The mix of the feelings of excitement and nervousness running through his system. The entire spotlight was on him or maybe that's what it felt like to be the one playing as the new transfer student in a school only meant for the elites .

New school , new canvas to paint the character he had always aspired to become , right ? But for River Emrys , his priorities were clear from the start - be invisible. He had always wished to keep that canvas as clear as it could get . He knew he doesn't belong here , he knew he can't fit in with this new crowd of typical wealthy students he knew he will have to stay out of their ways to avoid any possible trouble but he still decided to apply for the program , to sit for the scholarship tests , to get into the prestigious Horizon Highschool .

Because this highschool which will pay for all his school essentials , provide dorms , food , shelter , education without any fees will be the pass for all the universities he had ever wished to get into . Yes , river had big dreams . He had aspirations , potential , expectations but what he didn't have was the resources to extinguish his burning desires . So when his teacher back in his public school announced that this well renowed school was starting to give free education to students who passed their scholarship test , according to new education policy , ofcourse River had to take a hold of this opportunity. It was his only chance to seize everything he had ever wanted.

" Let's do this . "

River said to himself and took the very first step into the impressive school building. The beautiful and gigantic walls making him anxious and awed at the same time.

But just two steps into the broad hallway someone bumped into him . Making his slightly slim body loose it's balance.

" ugh , I am sorry ! " A panicked voice said.

Obviously astonished River lifted his light brown eyes to capture the image of the owner of the strangely smooth and soft voice. The last thing he expected on his first day at this school was an apology .

" It's okay , I am fine . " He blurted out to assure the visibly nervous small boy who looked embarrassed to have bumped into someone like that. The boy who could only reach upto Rivers neck and looked too thin and pale , River thought. But that mousy being had one of the lightest shades of blue in his eyes. They were beautiful , so spell bounding that it made River's own honey colored eyes linger a second or two more on to the boys icy one's.

" Y- yeah r -right , it's my first day here . So I got a little confused . " The shy boy admitted I thought River said in his head. He smiled at the smaller ones stuttering . He reminded River of his own smaller brother Milo who was a nervous wreck himself. River's concerned face calmed the smaller boy's heart.

" Likewise I am new too . " River extended his hand " Hi , I am River Emrys , nice to meet you ...."

" Sammy Miller " The blonde completed as he shook River's hands. Relived that he isn't the only newbie here. Just by looking at Rivers courteous and respectable personality he could tell they would get along well.

" So you also passed the scholarship test ? " River asked as they continued to walk ahead , ready to find their classes.

" Oh no no , I didn't pass the test , I am not that good at studies haha maths is too hard , actually I was studying at some other school that is affiliated with this high school so I just transferred here. " Sammy chuckled innocently. He didn't even show slightest of suprise or superiority complex knowing that River was the new ' charity case ' . Instead the boy's aura screamed purity. He looked like a kind hearted kid.

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