Chapter 10

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After getting up from the fall all of the surrounding area changes, it becomes way darker but the sun is still out, Chris and Esther seem just as confused as me. When I look over at Chris he disappears, as soon as I get up I hear screaming but it ends quickly. I run in the direction of the screams and see Chris simply standing. I call out for him to come to me but he just stands there. I hear a loud bang noise echo around me and Chris falls to the ground clutching his stomach before dying. I look up and see a hooded figure holding some sort of weapon that I've never seen. "Whatever happens you may think it all a mere bad dream" said the hooded figure. The darkness disappears and I jerk my head up, "Luxin, undead!" Chris shouts, he pulls out his sword and jumps at the zombies. I get up off the ground and pull out my sword, three zombies slowly tread towards us, Esther shoots one with her bow, and Chris cuts the other two in half, then more begin to come out of the bushes, I charge forward and cut one's head off, then stab another in the chest, I turn around to see Chris stabbing a zombie. He brushes his hands and smiles, then a massive zombie walks out of the bushes, Esther points to it, and Chris turns around only to be knocked to the floor. The zombie raises its hands into the air and prepares to slam them onto Chris, then I see a person jump onto its back and stab it, the zombie begins to glow light blue and slows down. The person stabs it again, and it freezes in place, then the person cuts its head off and jumps onto the floor, and the zombie shatters to pieces. The person turns around and I see thats its a she, and she looks like a human cat, "Hello" she says, "Uh hi" Chris says, she picks him up and shakes his hand, "My names Nix" she says, "Chris" Chris replies, "Luxin" I say waving, "Esther" Esther nods, "Your a Tabaxi aren't you?" Chris asks, "Correct" she replies, "I'm from a kingdom in the south called Novitara, I tracked this undead horde here, then found you". A zombie charges out of a bush and attempts to attack us, but Nix quickly stabs it with her sword and turns around, more zombies appear and growl out at us, and another even larger zombie walks out of the bushes and makes a loud roar, Nix points her sword and jumps onto the large one, Chris and I begin to kill the rest of the zombies while Esther shoots arrows at the big zombie. I cut a zombie in half and then kick one in the chest, then I hit one in the chest. As I slice the last zombies head in half, Nix yells out "Stop moving you stupid zombie", Esther fires an arrow at the zombie but the zombie doesnt seem to notice, Nix's sword glows light blue and she stabs the zombie in the back, it growls out in pain as it begins to freeze. She jumps off it and the zombie fully freezes, she then throws her sword at it and the ice shatters, her sword floats back to her and she puts it back onto her back. "Thanks for the help" she says, then jumps into a tree and jumps away..

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