Chapter 20

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As we pass through the trees of a spruce forest, my legs ache. We've been traveling for two days now, and still haven't reached wherever we're going. "Raina" I call out, "How much farther?", "it's just past here" she replies, "What's past here?" Apollo calls out, "You'll see" she shouts back. Apollo raises his eyebrow but continues on, and Esther just ignores us and walks past. As I push some branches out of my way, I see a clearing with many people, I spot a large creature with black metal armor, carrying a large diamond staff. A zombie with red armor, he carries a thin long diamond sword, and eyes us with a questioning look. A person made of wood turns around and waves, he smiles and turns back towards the two people he was talking to, they looked like they were arguing while the tree was watching them. A person sharpening their small knife, they eye me and nod to Raina, who nods back. A man walks up to us, he carries a large diamond sword, with red waves flowing on it, "Raina" he greets Raina, "Good to see you, and who have you brought?" he asks. "Apollo, and my friends Luxin and Esther" Raina introduces us, I wave but Esther grunts, "Welcome to the rebellion, my name is Zai" Zai says warmly. "Come" he turns and walks inside a large tent, Esther grunts again and walks inside, I follow. Inside stands a woman, she carries a large staff with diamond vines surrounding it, and next to her is another woman, carrying a small instrument with string through the middle. They talk quickly while staring at the map, and a man with red skin and two horns eyes us from the corner, tapping his fingers together. And a large man with a tall and slanted diamond axe, towers over everyone, even though he's sitting down. Zai approaches the map and takes a quick look, then speaks "So what news do we have Eden?" he asks. The woman with the staff steps forward, "Our scouts have reported that Malum Clan is now guarding the outer edges of Valtaria, and the Wither skeletons have retreated back inside the walls". The giant grunts and sharpens his axe, "Will our forces still be able to counteract their defense?" Zai asks, "Nico?" Eden motions to her, "Possibly, but with Eilrahc now having Malum Clan, our chances are low". "Hey Kid" the red skinned man whispers, "You wanna trade some of your gold for this .... hehehe.... Sapling?", "Damakos" Zai berates him. Damakos retreats back to the corner and Zai turns back to the map, "We'll need more forces to launch a full invasion" Eden says, "I may be able to offer that" Apollo steps forward, "I lead the End, and though they haven't been seen in a while, I am their king, and we could use their forces in our attack". "What forces exactly?" Zai asks, resting his hands on the map, "Endermen, and Dragons" Apollo articulates, Zai scratches his chin and looks back. "I will however, need time to gather them, if I leave now I should be able to meet you all in the battle", Zai looks up and nods, "Dismissed" he says. I follow Apollo outside and the tree man walks up to us and little fireflies circle around him as my injuries slowly heal, He smiles and nods. Apollo looks at him and smiles, then steps onto a small hill, he flicks his hand as if attempting to do something, but to no avail. He sighs and picks up a small flower and flicks his hand again, this time a large portal opens up and he steps through, closing after, the flower turning to dust as it drops to the floor. "Alright people, let's move out!" Zai shouts from the tent, "If you need medical attention talk to Medicus and Tanu" he says, pointing to the tree man and a man with bottles on his belt, he carries a large axe similar to the giant's axe. Everyone gets up and begins to pack up the supplies, Zai looks back and narrows his eyes at the two people arguing, "Ruby, Matthew, stop arguing and get a move on" Zai yells. Matthew smiles and walks to the zombie, while Ruby looks at him with anger, I walk up to her and greet her, "Hello" I say. "Hi" Ruby responds, sighing, "You and Matthew fight?" I ask, "We disagree alot, he's annoying, but I never get the chance to do anything, since he's always hanging around Aelfgar'' she responds picking up a crate. "Aelfgar?" I ask, "The zombie, good friends with Matthew, but he's mainly here for the money. As is alot of people here" she says grimly, "Hey Ragnor" Ruby shouts, "Can you grab these boxes", I turn around and see the giant walking towards us. "Sure" he grunts and with one hand picks up an entire stack of boxes. Ruby runs off to catch up with Medicus and I head towards Esther, whos making some arrows. In the distance I see Zai handing a small bag to Raina, and shaking her hand, Raina notices me and quickly walks away. "Whatcha looking at?" Esther asks, "Think Raina is being paid" I blurt out, Esther turns towards Raina, whos walking with a large group, "I suspected something, but that's not as bad as I thought" Esther comments. "Cmon, we should get moving" she says rushing off.

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